Laura The Explaura

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Strategies For When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed

Teaching is not an easy gig. There is nothing easy about it. It is fun, allows you to be creative, and sing crazy songs with the kiddies , yet how often do teachers feel burnt out and overwhelmed? For me, it was a constant feeling for the first two terms. Trying to get to know a new bunch of students strengths and weaknesses, break old habits, form new routines, teach content and then put on top of that all the admin, assessments, report writing, parent meetings, professional development, and accreditation…. It’s incredibly overwhelming.

Here are some strategies I suggest to use when you are feeling stressed out, anxious or overwhelmed about your workload.

  • prioritise - do a brain dump and make a list of everything you have to get done. Everything. Get it off your mind. Now break the list into four groups; now, this week, this month, later. Then take your ‘now’ list; rewrite it in order of most important to least. Focus on the first three and only the first three. Do not move on to anything else until these first three priorities are complete. Even if you have a small job that’s quick, DON’T touch it if its not a priority.

  • single task - I know you think trying to do several things at one is a great idea but you will be much more effective if you focus on one single task at a time. Break it down into tiny parts and smash it out, before moving onto your next priority.

  • breath work - in moments of frustration, annoyance, overwhelm…. focus on your breathing. Don’t have time to stop and breath. You will if you realise the difference it can make to that moment. Stop, take three huge lung filling breaths and let them out slowly. You should feel better already.

  • 5 minutes of yoga - a quick session of yoga stretches for your body will be incredible. You will feel the effects immediately. Don’t know any yoga? Stop making excuses. Stand tall, place one foot on the opposite calf or thigh, hands together at your heart. You are in tree pose. Focus on your balance and breathing. Nothing else. Swap legs half way. Even if you sit in baby pose for 5 minutes it will benefit you.

  • delegate - is there someone you can ask to help you out or to do something for you? By just taking one thing off your plate will decrease the heavy weight you are feeling.

  • make a stress list - then work on eliminating the stresses from your life. This is often our fears and what we are avoiding or putting off. Go through each one on your list and look at ways you can erase this stress from your life or at least minimise it.

  • take a lunch break - I’m guessing you are using every spare second to get on top of things which includes working through your lunch break. I know, I did. I don’t think I went to the lunch room for the first seven years of my teaching. I thought by eating lunch on the run and using this time I would have less to do in the afternoon but realistically if you just stop, and actually sit down to eat your lunch for twenty minutes and socialise it will recharge you and you will feel a lot better for doing it. Don’t feel guilty. That’s just a story you are telling yourself. Everyone needs to eat.

Is there something else you can suggest for fellow overwhelmed teachers? I would love for you to join the conversation so please leave a comment below.