Laura The Explaura

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How to Make Homework Interesting

What homework should be;

  • revision

  • the practice of skills learnt in school

  • fun

  • productive use of students time

What homework should not be;

  • new learning

  • take longer than one hour a night to complete

  • needing adult supervision to complete

  • work that has not been covered in class, is it not the job of the parents to teach it at home

Things to consider for homework;

  • more schooling does not necessarily mean more results

  • homework can result in fatigue and disengagement and cause issues during family time

  • giving your students their homework of a Friday with them returning it the following Thursday allows for students to complete their homework over the weekend especially those who have sporting, musical or other commitments during the week.

  • use the same template or format each week so students become familiar with it

  • try to cover spelling words, some home reading, English and Mathematics

  • time it takes you to mark - you do not want to make it too time consuming for yourself

  • will you mark it as a class or as the teacher?

  • what will students put their homework in - glue it in a scrap book? place it in a plastic display folder?

How you can make homework interesting;

  • provide an options list - where you allow students to choose at least five of the ten activities to do

  • ensure it is relevant to what you are learning or teaching

  • avoid the typical look, cover, write, check

  • use the spelling city app to upload your weekly spelling words and children can complete fun games related to their list words

  • when marking; leave a comment which students can reply to the following week

  • set optional challenges that don’t relate to school work - e.g. helpful human challenges - re organise you book shelf, set the table, write out the grocery list or even STEAM challenges

  • set reading challenges instead of a book log - photo evidence of something

How do you make homework interesting for your students? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.

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