Laura The Explaura

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Keeping Kids Safe While Online

With our students working from home online at the moment, it is near impossible to expect parents to sit and supervise them while they are on their devices. This means it is even more critical that we ensure our students are safe when completing their learning activities online.

We can never predict what possibilities will come up when doing a simple Google search. Instead, there are child-friendly search engines out there that are preferred for our students. They are safe search engines out there that filter the content and ensure that it is appropriate.

For five of the best recommendations for safe search engines for our students check out;

Students can save these as their home page or teachers may advise students to use them when conducting any research or inquiry task.

Not only is it a worry at home but also for students accessing the web at school, there is no way teachers can know 100% of the time what students have found. In order to at least prevent and protect our students we can be using these safe search engines that provide a safe and appropriate place to search for relevant information, images, and videos.

What does your school recommend? How do you best protect your students online? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.