Laura The Explaura

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Events For Hosting Your Own School Mini Olympics

With the Olympic Games coming up in Japan at the end of this month, why not make it significant and more relevant to your students by holding a fun Mini-Olympics with your class. Or instead, compete against several classes in a mini Olympic games style fun afternoon?

Divide your students into teams. Allocate them a country name.

Include an Opening ceremony with the Australian Anthem where the classes march in.

Your Mini-Olympic events could include a mixture of these:

  • Javelin – draw a chalk line, one student from each team lines up and throws a piece of spaghetti over the line. Students whose goes the furthest wins a point for their team. Rotate until all players have had a turn. Spaghetti to be thrown with their elbow touching the floor. If they lift their elbow it is a foul. Measure the distance.

  • Discus – using paper plates, students throw it over the line. The plate that goes the final from each heat goes into the final.

  • Standing Long Jump – draw chalk line, no run up is allowed, students jump from the line. Then freeze. Teacher measures from the starting line to their heel, mark with chalk and their initials.

  • Weight Lifting – students must suck through a straw to pick up a tissue. Carry it from one end to another and back to their team. Fastest team wins the points.

  • Shot put – draw a chalk circle about a metre away. Students have to throw their cotton ball closest to the circle. Take note of whose is the closest

  • Egg and Spoon Race – students in teams line up using tennis balls on soup ladles or large tablespoons. Team to complete the relay fastest wins the points.

  • Swimming – have a fish cut out of cardboard for each team. Students place their fish in front of them then must flap their newspaper at the fish to get it to reach the end down to the other players. Relay style.

  • Backstroke – students skip with rope backwards against the oppositions.

Ensure to include a Closing Ceremony with awards and a medal presentation.

Do you think you will give it ago? Lots of fun to be had. You can find more ideas on my Mini-Olympics Pinterest board.

Have you held a Mini-Olympics before? What activities did you have? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.