Laura The Explaura

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Using Transition Time Wisely

Learning can be hard work and mind-numbing for students at times. So it can become very easy to waste time and loose students attention during the transition time between learning activities as they zone out.

You also have students finishing work at all different rates; some who are fast finishes and then you have your slow Sally's. Playing a game when the majority of your students are finished may encourage your slowbies to hurry along so they may join in.

Try some of these:

  • Musical squats – students dance around the classroom while music is playing.  The teacher stops the music randomly and students must squat. The last child to hit the floor is eliminated from the game. Play for a short time to get them excited for the next time you play

  • The ‘um’ game – this is an individual game where a student is chosen to come out in front of the class. They pull a topic word from a bag and then must speak for thirty seconds on their chosen topic without saying um

  • Kim’s game – have pictures on the interactive whiteboard or otherwise items on the floor. Instruct students to close their eyes while you take one item away. Students open their eyes and then must guess which one is missing

  • Corners – identify four corners in the room. Students must choose and stand in one of the corners. Spin a bottle and whoever is standing in the corner where the bottle is pointing towards, is out. Students can then change corners if they would like before the bottle is spun again. 

  • Have a backwards race through tables and chairs

  • Categories – students in groups must name a fruit, move to the next group who name a fruit and so on. Fruits must not be repeated or that team is out. Game continues until no more fruits can be named. Other topics include sports, cars, suburbs, desserts…

  • Listening activity - For each one there is an action - dead ant (lying on their backs on the floor, feet in the air), the statue of liberty (standing straight holding a torch), kangaroo (jumping on the spot), teachers’ pet (sitting beautifully on the floor) ninja warrior (ninja pose) Eiffel tower ( stand feet apart hands together above heads). Call a name and students must follow the action. Last one or incorrect get out.

  • Sleeping Tigers – rest, lay still, no one can move. If someone moves, the hunter catches them out and they must sit up in their spot while the game continues

  • Do this, do that – students follow your instructions. Played similar to Simon Says but when you say do that, children get out of they do it

  • Whose stole the cookie from the cookie jar - students sit in circle and clap a pattern on their knees singing - Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? David stole the cookies from the cookie jar. Who me? Yes, you. Couldn't be. Then who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Mary stole the cookies from the cookie jar. Continue till most children have a go at choosing the next person

What are your go-to transition games or activities to do to give your students a break? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.