Laura The Explaura

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Ways To Reduce Your Spending As A Teacher

I can vividly remember my tax return in my first year as a teacher, claiming 3K in work expenses and even for a couple of years after that, it was at least 1K. It took me a few years before it clicked that, that amount of spending was unnecessary and I could be using that money for different things (like holidays)

Very few schools have much money to spare in their budget so it usually falls upon the teacher to pay for any extras they would like to have in the classroom.

So how can you be a tight ass teacher and still be terrific?

Ways in which I have reduced my spending over the years include;

  • Not buying those proper flash merit certificates. Chances are the children throw them out anyway. You can find free printable certificates online to photocopy – give them out generously. Kids love recognition. Give them out as homework certificates, spelling results certificate, sports certificate, the superstar of the week certificate…

  • Prize box – I never spent any money on prizes. My mum always is clearing out her house, toys from the grandkids or things she has sitting around, she has accumulated over the year. Find someone who has these things also just gathering dust and is more than happy to go through their things for you.

  • Do a bulk loan from the library each month rather than buying and supplying your own reading texts.

  • Ask for families to supply whiteboard markers, paper, tissues, hand sanitizer, paper towel so you do not have to provide these yourself.

  • Make and print your own class motivation posters to decorate the room using the website Canva. Print and laminate these at school.

  • Don’t waste money on stamps - you only need three, not twenty-three. Your students will not notice the minor detail of getting the same stamp all year.

  • Check for craft materials in the school storeroom first before having to purchase and supply your own.

  • Ask the P&C to supply things such as an Easter gift or end of year gift. Why should it always have to come from your pocket?

  • There are no prizes given for the most colourful, immaculate room. Don’t go overboard with the wall decor, tubs, borders, chairs,

  • Most schools these days supply a laptop or iPad for you to use at home or in your classroom. Enquire rather than using your own personal one.

  • If you work for a public school you can purchase software through the department at a very reduced price. Check it out online here

  • Keep all your receipts and claim everything at tax time including your union fees, accreditation fees, suncream…

In what ways have you reduced your spending on classroom items? In what areas are you a tight ass teacher? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.