Laura The Explaura

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Handy Hints For House Sitting

Would you like to see parts of Australia with only minimal expense? Well, house sitting may be for you.

House Sitting is a great option as you can settle into a place without having to pay for accommodation. Usually, they are short term placements giving you enough time to look around the area with a base to return to. In return, you may have to feed and care for the owner's pets, gardens, lawns or just be a presence in the house.  

What works for me is word of mouth. I let family and friends know I am available for house sitting. And the word gets around. If you come across as a trustworthy, considerate person, I am sure you will begin to have offers.

There are also various websites you can register and pay to be a house sitter or to have your house sat for free. I signed up for a couple of years ago, however, the problem for me was, I am so not an animal person. I assumed there would be people without pets needing a house sitter, yet 99% of people do. I was also after a long term stay of two months or more. Most of the house sits advertised are just for a long weekend or a week or two. So while it never worked out for me, if you love caring for pets I think it’s a great option. You just fill out your profile and put in the dates and places you are interested in. Home owners can then contact you directly or otherwise you can put forward your interest in someone’s place.

If you are successful in scoring a job you will usually meet with the house owners prior to their trip and go over the requirements while you stay. I like to take my own questions and expectations along; like needing my own bedroom and access to Wi-Fi. You may need manuals left for the dishwasher, washing machine or pool cleaner. Each stay is different. Some will offer you their car to use, other families may have Foxtel or Netflix you are welcome to use. Some will have you on their lawnmower cutting their grass while others may just need you to be seen at the place, lights on at night and a car in the driveway which lets others know someone is home.  


This was my checklist of questions for the home owners:

 ·       List of emergency phone numbers

·       Their contact number while away

·       Where the metre box is located

·       Is there a house alarm?

·       When is the bin collection day?

·       Where to put their mail?

·       Do they want their home phone answered if it rings?

·       The Wi-Fi password

·       How to use the television, air conditioner, oven and washing machine

·       Jobs required to do during the stay

·       Confirm start and end dates and time

·       Will they be letting the neighbours know they are going away and that I will be staying there?


On the day the homeowners are returning I like to leave a loaf of fresh bread and a carton of milk. Going to the shops is probably the last thing they feel like doing when they get home from their holiday.

I also ensure I leave their home spotless, which involves cleaning the main areas, sweeping, dusting, vacuuming the carpet and putting my bedding and bath towel in the laundry and I make sure I return everything to its place. Leaving a bunch of fresh flowers in a vase on the table is an added treat. By leaving behind a good impression, this will increase your chances of being asked back and for them to recommend you to other couples.

If you do happen to break or damage anything during your stay, be honest up front. Message your family or leave a note behind. It is better they hear it from you rather than them discovering it themselves. Everyone understands accidents happen and they will be more understanding if you are truthful about it.

House-sitting can work well for both homeowners and house sitters if there is a mutual level of respect and trust. If you are flexible with your dates and where about’s you would like to go then house sitting is a viable option. It is a great way to become a local without having to pay for a place to stay.

What do you think? Have you house sat for a family before? Did it work out? Would you recommend it to others?