Laura The Explaura

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How To Get Your Travel Fix When We Can't Travel

My life has not been the same since overseas travel has been shut down.

I use to make it through my everyday life knowing that I always had something to look forward to. Knowing it would only be ten weeks until I could escape again. I was constantly ticking things off my bucket list. Now, after one and a half years of no overseas travel, my list is getting a little dusty.

There are movies to watch, books to read and podcasts to listen to but it is just not the same.

Are you currently suffering the lockdown blues like me? Here are seven ways to get your travel fix;

  • Visit Window Swap on the web to view life from someone else window in places all over the world. I drop into the site every now and then before I become too envious.

  • Stay local – do weekend short getaways to get your travel fix. Each month this year I have booked a weekend away in an area I haven’t yet explored in New South Wales, there is plenty to see.

  • Reading books that mention overseas. I recently read the memoir of Mary Moody; The Accidental Tour Guide and was captivated as she recalled her time in countries such as France, India and Morocco; places that are very close to my heart.

  • There are people who can and are travelling around the world. Find @traveltomotom on Instagram who is currently making me so jealous with all his travels. He has been to over 100 countries.

  • Host a photo or video night of some of your past travels with family and friends.

  • If you live in Melbourne, download 64 Ways Of Being, an augmented reality app. It allows you to explore Melbourne on a 3km trail. 

  • Start planning your next trip. Read my post here on how to get started

How are you currently getting your travel fix? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.