Laura The Explaura

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Signs You Are A Nice Person

It’s not hard to be a nice person. Some people could not give two hoots about it, the ‘take me or leave me’ attitude. Then to others, it’s something that was instilled in them from their childhood. To some it just comes naturally, where others need to be more conscious of it. Where do you fit?

I like to think I am a nice person. It’s important to me and something I value. The thing is though, I need to be aware of not being ‘too nice’. It is the borderline between nice and then being over compensating/ accommodating for other’s needs. Being a people pleaser, it is something I always keep in mind. The codependency look is not very attractive at all.

The top eleven things that nice people do;

  1. Take their shoes off when they enter someone’s home - it’s simple, it’s the first thing you do, you don’t want to bring a mess into place, unless of course your host insists you leave them on

  2. Remember close family and friend’s birthdays - either off the top of your head of even if you have it on a calendar. So easy to send a text, make a Facebook post or even send an actual card in the mail to their address. One minute out of the 1440 minutes in a day

  3. Generous with their time - happy to help others, donate, serve, volunteer and give back

  4. Smile - at strangers, friends, family. Smiling at someone is a great gift you can give for free

  5. Keep calm and use kind words - usually kind people have a gentle and understanding personality

  6. Have good manners - say please, thank you and pardon me

  7. Respect others, animals and the environment - recycle, being thoughtful goes a long way

  8. On time when meeting up with others - no excuse’s people are nice people

  9. Wave, acknowledge or speak to their neighbours - it may be the only interaction they have that day, it really doesn’t matter their age, size or that they have a dog that barks throughout the night, just say hi!

  10. Give with no expectation - opposite of selfish. Someone who gives without need for anything in return. Genuine people

  11. Stand for elderly on transport - its common courtesy, you let someone older, pregnant or disabled sit down in your place

Do you agree? Do you have anything else to add to the list? I would love for you to be part of the conversation, just leave your comments below…