Laura The Explaura

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A Pivotal Moment

You are an action’s speak louder type of guy,
You give yourself away by the twinkle in your eye.
When you pull me close at night,
There’s nothing like being held snug and tight.

Your body, your touch, is so warm,
Which reaches inside to my core.
When you smile, the world changes,
It is magnetic and contagious.

You helped to heal my heart,
Building trust when I thought I can’t.
You have taught me the power of divine timing,
The value of slow and to calm my anxiety.

I can’t explain our connection,
Or my deep love and affection.
But what I know to be true,
Relates to releasing fears and inner child wounds.

I feel free yet secure,
As your light you shine is pure.
It takes courage; it takes strength,
I know deep down we can go the length.

I’m ready to step up, be brave,
Because it’s you I so desperately crave.
My feelings are real; soul-deep,
It’s about time to take that leap.