Laura The Explaura

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December In Hindsight

I continued on my Intrepid Tour of Central America and had a blast. The weather was good to us. The people were so friendly despite the language barriers. The food tasty. The sunrises and sunsets are the best. Then I returned home mid-December, faced with a break up with my boyfriend so moved back home to live with the parentals. After suffering terrible anxiety I have had the time to recover, and with the support of beautiful friends, I am now looking forward to seeing what 2020 has in store….

Listened to - 

* Confidence Boost Playlist on Spotify 

* Mood Booster Playlist on Spotify

* Let It Out with Katie Dalebout Podcast

* The Lively Show Podcast


 Read - 

* Everything You Know by Zoe Heller

* The Man By The Sea by Jack Benton

* Better Off Wed by Laura Durham

* Own The Day, Own Your Life by Aubrey Marcus

* City Of The Beasts by Isabelle Allende

* Red Flame Revenge by Sarah Badman-Clarke

Splurged on - 

* Cocktails at Jacoby’s Tiki Bar, Enmore

Watching - 

* The Kindergarten Teacher on Google Play


Went to - 

* Leon, Granada, and Ometepe Island in Nicaragua

* Monteverde, La Fortuna and San Jose in Costa Rica

* Lunch at Easy Lane with a good friend

* Christmas Eve dinner with my family

* Help out at the fires on Christmas Day

* Georges River for the afternoon with a good friend

* Bare Witness Cafe at Rhodes with friends from Adelaide


Booked - 

* House sitting for my cousins in January


Cooked - 

* Chicken pasta, fried rice


What's new - 

* Sorted all my coins and notes I have brought back from overseas. Time to spend them or pass them on to other travellers.

* Swapped my private health insurance from Frank to nib.


Looking for - 

* a little black dress


Sold -

* Harry Potter book, George Foreman Grill, Boys Board Shorts, Bunting, Portable Photo Printer


Started - 

* Journaling daily again. Meditating more often. Lying on my Shakti mat more often.

* Getting a spray tan every couple of weeks.

Attempting to -

* Become a better communicator. Say what’s on my mind rather than holding back.

* Think and speak positively.

* Wear less black.

So that’s December. That’s the end of 2019. What do you have planned for your New Year? What’s in store for 2020? Do you have big plans for 2020? What are you looking forward to? Feel free to comment below…