Laura The Explaura

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Different Approaches To The Long Weekend Lockdown

I finished up work for 18 days yesterday. Usually, at this time of year, I have my bags packed and my online check-in complete for my upcoming flight. However, it’s not the case this year due to the travel ban and Coronavirus restrictions. Instead, we are all in lockdown for the Easter long weekend, encouraged to not leave our house unless it is necessary.

So what are your plans for the weekend? Are you even a planner? Maybe you just take this time to go with the flow of what comes your way. There are so many types of people with all different approaches for this long weekend. This is my break down;

Busy Bee’s

Who haven’t had a break since Christmas and probably cannot even remember what they did on the Australia Day long weekend. It’s a vague memory now. These are the hustlers, the go-getters, the ones who see potential in every minute. A long weekend can cause panic in some busy bees. Four days of free time. Four days of no structure. But if you know a busy bee as I do, they already have their list of goals and plans for the weekend mapped out before the weekend even has begun. No sleep-ins. It is difficult for them to stop. Which is the exact reason they should.

Suggestions for the Busy Bees this long weekend – Nothing. Have a flow weekend. Do whatever brings you joy. Do whatever feels good at the moment. Have a nap. Watch a movie. Binge listen to a podcast such as Dirty John. Sit and have a cup of tea. Intertwine some jobs throughout the weekend but don’t put pressure on yourself to do it all. Give yourself a break. Who knows when your next one will be?


They may fall into the Busy Bee category too. Lost contact with family and friends since Christmas. There is no self-care happening. They get stuck in a routine and neglect everything else that is not essential.

Suggestions for the Neglectors this long weekend – Give yourself a facial. Women - shave your legs and underarms. Call or skype friends for a catch-up. Check-in with your neighbours. Fertilise the plants you have not cared for recently, trim the shrubs in the garden. Get your inbox down to zero. Update your baby’s memory journal. Clear your stainless-steel microwave, dishwasher and fridge of streak marks. Do those once a year jobs – wash your curtains, clean out the filters in your vacuum cleaner, clean out your garage, hire a carpet cleaner and give your carpets a shampoo, hire a wood splitter and prepare your wood for Winter.

Outdoorsy type

They had planned some physical activity this weekend, to go camping or to do a hike. Being stuck indoors for four days is the worst idea possible. They will feel agitated. They will be restless.

Suggestions for the Outdoorsy type this long weekend – spend time in your garden. Dust all the cobwebs on the outside of the house. Wash the outside of all your windows. Go for a walk, run, each day. Dust off the exercise bike, treadmill or cross-trainer. Set it up in the backyard. Follow an online workout in your lounge room.  Take the dog for a walk. Chase the dogs around the yard. Have your morning tea outside on the front verandah.

Worn-out Parents

They have just had three weeks of homeschooling their children. They are tired, desperate for some alone time and are not particularly looking forward to this weekend. The household jobs are just piling up. Working from home is impossible without constant interruptions, and all routine has gone out the window.

Suggestions for the Worn-out Parents this long weekend – Listen to a podcast, read a book, implement quiet time for an hour each day; no speaking, just silent reading or drawing time or nap time. Enjoy time with your kids without structure, without it being a burden. Cook and make a mess. Garden and get dirty. Find an old school movie your children haven’t seen and watch it together for the first time. E.g. Honey I Blew Up The Kids, Mighty Ducks, Cool Runnings, Goonies, The Secret Garden. Sing karaoke. Have a disco. Have an Easter egg hunt, egg toss competition or egg and spoon race. Dress up nicely for Sunday. Forget everything and just have fun. Have a family pillow fight. Laugh.

Cooped-up Teenagers

The ones who have been completing their learning remotely, online and independently for the last three weeks. They haven’t seen their friends other than on Snapchat. They have used all the family’s monthly allowance of GB, and they haven’t got dressed or been out of bed before 9 am.

Suggestions for Cooped up Teenagers this long weekend – establish a morning routine for the next four days. No sleeping in. Get out of your bedroom. Wash your hair. Bake something. Have a conversation with your parents. Talk to your siblings. Get outside. Jump on the trampoline. Shoot some hoops with your family. Reorganise your wardrobe. Prepare for a clothes swap with a friend. Go through your books. Prepare for a book swap with a friend. Consider how you can make money from your favourite hobby. E.g. if you are good at calligraphy; start selling gift cards online.


Those who only do things because they have to. There is no reason to push themselves out of their comfort zone because it is easier to be comfortable than uncomfortable. The type to have a negative attitude before the weekend has even begun. They see the long weekend and being in lockdown as boring. They can’t even think of anything fun to do in their own home.

Suggestions for the Unmotivated types this long weekend – set your alarm and get out of bed before 8 am each day. Do some form of exercise each day – stretch; jog on the spot for five minutes; pedal your feet while you are sitting in front of the TV, get up at every commercial break and squat. Make a joy list – what are things you like to do? What brings you happiness? Get creative. Journal – what is holding you back? What’s with your attitude? Wash a window in your house, see your reflection, wash another and before you know it you will have washed every window in your home. Find your glasses; find whatever it is putting you off and do it. Stop being negative.


They have been waiting for this long weekend in forever. It is a chance to fix, make or build something. They have the materials and projects in mind. They are happy for this time to smash out a few goals.

Suggestions for the DIYers’ this long weekend - make a list of your projects. Prioritise. Aim to complete things within your four days. Nothing worse than having projects sitting around unfinished. Consider the materials you require. Ask for help when you need it. Watch YouTube instructional videos.

Easter is my favourite holiday season of the year. I have never been a fan of Christmas as it invokes stress and anxiety for me. New Years is not fun. There is always unnecessary pressure around this time of year. Australia Day, ANZAC Day, the Queen’s Birthday, and Labour Day holidays all sort of just blend into the year. Just a bonus day to get shit done.

However, Easter is a different story. It is four days straight of nothingness. No pressure, expectation or stress involved. You can choose to spend it in any way you prefer.  Solo, with family, with friends, or travelling as I prefer. The shops are usually shut, so there are no pointless purchases. People eat chocolate and hot cross buns like there is no tomorrow. It’s a time just to be.

I’m a planner, a busy bee and a neglector, so I love this free time to get my side projects done, catch up on things I have neglected for a while but also go with the flow and do next what fits and feels best.

What will you be doing this long weekend when you are stuck inside in lockdown? Do you relate to any of the above? Did I miss any types? Feel free to join the conversation and leave your comments below.