Laura The Explaura

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How To Improve Your Digestion

Through my childhood and then into my twenties I was fortunate to always have good health. I had no issues, no significant illnesses, no hospital visits. One fractured wrist and the shingles were as bad as it got. I had three sick days in my first seven years of teaching. I thought I was invisible. 

But then came 2011, I had whooping cough and then glandular fever. Whilst my body never recovered fully from glandular fever, I was rewarded with chronic fatigue after years of chronic stress. It was my bodies was of basically giving up and making me stop. Problems with digestion, energy and bloating were my new best friends, showing up at my doorstep every day. It's been a slow long journey back to a healthy me over the last eight years and something I need to keep on top of so I don't get fatigued.

Several things have helped heal my digestive system. These things have worked for me; 

  • Eat smaller meals - I eat a large filling breakfast then smaller meals throughout the day

  • Take digestive enzymes - with one meal every day. It is usually at breakfast but sometimes I will take it at dinner, just depends on what I am eating.

  • Take a restore probiotic each morning with breakfast - this helps restore and maintain digestive balance and well being

  • Drink hot bone broth each day - this works on gut health 

  • Take a tonic made by a naturopath - I visited a naturopath for advice and assistance and she gave me a specially formulated tonic I take half an hour before eating

  • Have lemon in hot water when wake up before breakfast - this flushes my system of a morning

  • Have apple cider vinegar in water before meal - occasionally, depending upon how I am feeling

  • Avoid foods that include wheat flour - I mostly stick to a gluten-free diet

  • Avoid bananas and avocado - these foods are heavy for my body to digest 

  • Avoid dairy - if using dairy I try to choose lactose-free options

  • Avoid sugar and alcohol 

  • Limit the amount of processed foods I eat. Mostly eat natural and organic foods - most days, not everyday

  • Drink herbal teas - mostly peppermint, chai, chamomile

  • Use a Moxa stick - helps strengthen the organs and immune system. I simply burn and hold over three points of my body every night.

  • Acupuncture - on certain body points which decreases my bloating

  • Do yoga each morning - and use certain positions for bloating. Also helps with stress which affects my digestion

  • Eat slower and chew food more

  • Eat mindfully - don't watch TV, read, or look at the phone whilst eating - I just eat.

I am obviously not a doctor or healthcare worker. The above techniques work for me but may not work for others.

How is your digestion? Are there simple things you do to heal and strengthen your digestion system? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.