Laura The Explaura

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Stop Your Procrastinating

Procrastinate - delay or postpone action; put off doing something.

If we are honest, we all do it.

There is often a reason we are putting certain things off. Sometimes it is pretty clear, other times you may have to delve deep to figure out what is stopping you.

They say there are four main types of procrastinators;

  • the performer - the ones who think they do a better job by leaving things to the last minute

  • the self-deprecator - they are the ones making excuses why

  • the overbooked - they avoid a task as they are ‘too busy’

  • and the novelty seeker - the one who constantly comes up with great ideas but has no follow-through

By figuring out which type of procrastinator you are, can help to break out of your procrastination patterns. Which one do you relate to?

Think about it, journal about it if you need to. Be honest, stop making up a story, stop predicting the outcome, stop expecting the worse, stop dodging the work. You can not be sure of an outcome or what will happen until you actually do it. If you don’t face things and just keep putting things off it may start to become an unhealthy habit.  

Release the stress that procrastinating brings by just doing the task. If it is something small, stop putting it off, get stuck into it and plough through it. Get it done. Is it the tricky conversation you need to have? Finishing your assessment? Or is it related to having too many choices?

The longer you put it off, the more stress it causes in the end. Once done you will feel productive and proud, even free.

 Stop procrastinating and;

  • Just dedicate five minutes to spend on it. Knock it off in little pieces. You may be encouraged to keep going further on it

  • Have an accountability partner who checks in often

  • Keep a growth mindset and practice positive self-talk

  • Try not to postpone unless you must

  • Take a walk, recharge your energy then get back to the task

  • Set a starting date - when you want to get started

  • Chunk out a time each week or month when you can solely dedicate your time to that project

  • Stick to deadlines - manage your time well so you make your deadlines

  • Make a list then downsize it to just your top three priorities. Is cleaning out your closet really that important right now? Work through your priorities until they are done. Do not let other things tempt or distract you.

  • Reward yourself when you get the job done

  • Use a countdown in your head, or aloud 5,4,3,2,1 and get up and get it done - no more excuses

  • Set a timer for 31 minutes as suggested by Mat Steinwede

  • Break large tasks down into small bites. Then start small

  • Ask for help if you need it

  • Delegate the task to someone else or even pay someone else to do it for you

What are you currently procrastinating on? How are you going to commit to getting started? We would love it if you joined our conversation and left a comment below.