Self Love Habits

What is the meaning of life if it is all work and no play? Find your balance and create a life you could never have dreamed of while treating yourself with the most care and respect.


What self-love looks like to me;

  • give myself permission to have a down day. I try not to be hard on myself. Nobody wakes up happy every day

  • doing things that make me happy, particularly on my birthday

  • nourish my body with good healthy foods. A big portion of my wages is spent on food including my breakfast of eggs, mushroom, salmon, spinach and avocado each morning.

  • put myself first and stop the people-pleasing even if it is just for a day

  • loving my body more - exercise because it makes me love my body more, feel more confident, tan because my white skin scares me, get lazer cause then I don’t have to stress about shaving

  • take time out when I need to - my favourite thing to do when I need a bit of self-love is to read. Stay in bed, or get comfy on the lounge and relax into my book. I give myself permission to take time out

  • put away my phone - with social anxiety it is so easy to compare and to feel judged so I stop tuning into the social media for a certain period of time and I feel relief and light

  • after a shower I moisturise my whole body

  • put on music in the car and in the house. When I’m out I try to be mindful and tune into the music they are playing and enjoy it

  • treat myself once in a while - go to get my toes nails painted, buy a block of dark chocolate, book a getaway

  • every time I see a heart in nature or out and about I remind myself that I am loved - if I am mindful it happens multiple times a day

  • ask for help - when I know I need it

I am my own harshest critic and it is an ongoing conversation in my head to simply love on myself rather than listening to all the negative crap it wants to constantly remind me of.

How do you love yourself? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.