Laura The Explaura

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The Moon Cycle of 2021

Late December and for pretty much the start of this year we have received a lot of rain and many nights the sky was covered by clouds, meaning we haven’t seen the moon in a while.

Our first full moon for the year is not until the 29 January.

Other Full Moon dates to add to your diary are;

27 February, 29 March, 27 April, 26 May, 25 June, 24 July, 22 August, 21 September, 21 October, 19 November and 19 December.

Two of our full moons this year are Super Full Moons. A Super Full Moon is when the moon is the closest to Earth and looks about 16% brighter than a usual Full Moon. This year they are in April and May, early in the year.

Our full moons in November and December are Micro Full Moons which means the moon is furthest from Earth at this point in time.

We also have a Blue Moon this year in August, making it the third full moon in a season.

Full Moons are a great time to create a vision board, imagine your goals coming true, and get organised. If you are a crystal owner, the night of the Full Moon is an excellent time to place your crystals outside on a white cloth for charging and cleansing. A full moon is also a great time to treat yourself to some self-care of a salt bath, a massage, or to get a haircut.

The dates for New Moons in Australia are 13 January, 12 February, 13 March, 12 April, 12 May, 10 June, 10 July, 8 August, 7 September, 6 October, 5 November, and 4 December.

A Micro New Moon is in May and there will be two Super New Moons at the end of the year in November and December.

New Moons are a great time to complete any projects, set your intentions, exfoliate and detox. Cleanse your space with sage, make a list of all things you are grateful for and clear anything that is no longer serving you.

Are you someone who has special rituals around the time of the Full or New Moons? What do you find works best for you? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.