Laura The Explaura

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The Sky

When you raise your head and look up high,
What do you see way up in the sky?
Do you get the shivers or goosebumps,
Or instead an unexpected feeling of love?

Do you notice the low clouds rolling by so fast,
Or the shooting star as it goes past?
The sky as it darkens when the storm begins to brew
Or how bright the sunlight is as it comes glaring through?

Do you reminisce of days just gone,
Memories that bring tears as you lay on the lawn?
Or are you planning an escape,
From ongoing debacles and debates?

Were you up early to see the sunrise,
Catch the beauty of the sunset that never lies?
For the day is coming to its end,
And everything is preparing to begin again.

The sky speaks loudly of freedom and possibility,
Peace and enoughness are all that I see.
Today I encourage you to stop and pause,
Look up and open your eyes to the cause.

To check out more of my poetry, you can find it here