Laura The Explaura

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Things I Learnt From My Dad

It is Father’s Day here in Australia this Sunday so this week I have spent some time reflecting on what a large influence my dad was and still is. Growing up he was a great role model for my sisters, brother and I. My dad worked hard at his job and saved his money. He took pride in his personal appearance and our home. He is humble and never boasts. He does not swear, chew gum or drink excessively. My dad has always been well respected in our community and is often offering help, lending tools or giving advice to our neighbours.

My dad has taught me a lot. He takes his fathering responsibilities seriously and is never shy in passing on his words of wisdom. And he will even repeat them two or three times for you in case you didn’t hear it the first time. These are some of the things I have learnt from my dad;

  • Take pride in your car and wash it every weekend

  • Polish your shoes each Sunday as your appearance counts

  • Eat everything on your plate - or you don't leave the table until you do

  • You can wash yourself in the shower in two minutes - or he would turn the pump off

  • When you visit someone, take something with you to offer. It’s polite

  • Pack your lunchbox each day, in order to save your money

  • Park near a pole in a carpark as there is less chance of someone's door hitting your car

  • Fix something that is broken before buying a new one

  • Take pride in what you wear

  • How to use a street directory - before the days of Google Maps

  • You don't break promises you make to others - be good to your word

  • Two wrongs don't make a right

  • Stay in your own lane

  • Check your oil in your car each month

  • Check your tyres and oil before going on a road trip

  • Education is important - try your best

  • How to wrap a present with wrapping paper

A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society - Billy Graham

Has your father played a big part in your life? What are some things your dad has passed on to you? What are some of your best memories of your dad? Feel free to leave a comment below…

Wishing all dads, stepdads, granddads and other males who play a father role a very happy Fathers Day for this Sunday.