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True Self Profile - Alexsandra

This month we start off with our very first true self profile. Each month an amazing human being will share with us their personal stories and tips on how to live your best life. This month we kick it off with an inspiring interview with the incredible Alexsandra. I am excited for you to read it. You may even need to read it again and again to let it sink it.

Hi everyone! I am Alexsandra and I live in the enchanting city of Bergen, Norway. I am so happy to share my responses with you this day and I hope they leave you a little lighter and more easefully prepared for what life has in store for you. Much peace and love to you.

1. What inspires you in your everyday life?

Love. The love the love the love. The love that is all around us, within us and that meet us in the face of others. Who would we be, without this Love, I often contemplate. What would it be to earth that would captivate us without it? Yes, The love. The love is what inspires me every single day. As inspiration is; Love.

2. Tell us your favourite: stress release practice, the thing you are most grateful for, book

- When stress or feelings of stress (fear, anxiety, inadequacy) comes to the surface, the best thing to do is tuning inward and relax in the moment of it surfacing. When you do this the awareness that the feeling is not there to do you any harm, but simply alert you to a past memory of an experience you can now let go of, is truly powerful if you allow it to be. The only thing you have to do is acknowledge it’s harmlessness and breathe.

- the thing I am most grateful for is simply the art of being alive in a human body and get to experience this beautiful earth plane. There is nothing more than being alive that is required to tap into this experience of gratitude and love as you allow it to flow during the simplest of moments. As they then begin to transform into the biggest of experiences.

- one of the books I really enjoy listening to must be the audiobook of Eat, Pray, Love. The vibration and soothing voice of Elisabeth Gilbert’s narration is what is welcoming me back to this special piece again and again. Listening to her voice is like having a spa for your ears. The sound imprint that she has is just so incredibly beautiful and I thank her for making that experience available to me, through the phone, every single day. Also, I love that the book is centred around personal human inquiry and transformation, and above all LOVE. Love of Self and others.

3. What has been a life-defining moment for you?

Every moment of my life keeps being life-defining. This is a way to say that in each and every moment I can choose to go within and look through my heart and into the physically manifested, and truly see things for what they are - and then this will again define how I experience my life, aka life-defining. Something else I have experienced as truly life-defining is the power of letting things go and trust that you are being loved even in the face of your own feelings of inadequacy. When you experience that love rushing through you, you will see clearly that this only was a veil of the unconscious, and that what you truly are BEing is the very feeling itself. Peace.

4. What is the most important thing you have learnt about yourself in your life’s journey?

that I am Love. That I am the purest form of energy that embodies everything and everyone. That no one should judge another because you realize that what is judging only is a current thought in the moment and not what they truly are; their being is you. The same as you. You are all the same and every judgement, analyzation, mind explanation or language itself becomes very superfluous when in the face of this love. It’s all-encompassing and you are it.

5. Who are you currently learning the most from?

Myself. Going within. It’s a beautiful journey and I love every single minute of being in this body of Alexsandra. She is a wonderful piece in which I get to experience this reality from. Without her, there would not have been this opportunity to answer these delightful questions. And I always get to experience more and more and more of what I am in every single moment of every day. That I am the embodiment of love. And sharing that love with others. Which is not really being shared in the literal sense but only being remembered and evoked in them too, as they are it.

6. What is your best life tip for others?

Aaaaaaw, my best «life» tip for others must most definitely to BE YOURSELF. No one else is exactly like you! Noone else will every be! You unique footprint on this earth is here for a reason; to be experienced through your unique Being! You are as valuable to everything as everyone else. No one can replace you and every will. It would be such an amazing thing to observe more people allowing their true expression to come forth; not under the impression that that will help others, or get one to a certain goal or achievement, but for the pure delight of BEING. Being who you are. Do you feel like dancing? Dance! Do you feel like singing or meditate outside in the sunshine whilst everyone too can see you? Do it! There are no restrictions to what you can experience in this physical reality and you yourself know the answer to the only question really; what is it that I feel like doing NOW. Not later, not in a few years. Now... I would love to see you in all your glory. I know you’ve got it.

7. How do you deal with negative energy?

The negative energy that humans are experiencing is simply labelled energy because of each person’s perception of this energy. I love the fact that you wrote negative «energy» because if you have the awareness of it only being just that - energy - then you are already on your way of making a choice in wanting to see it as something negative or not. I only stay present with the feelings and then know that in the face of love and self-compassion, no negativity can survive. As it was an illusion, to begin with. Do what I described in that other question if you’d like: breathe and stay present with the feeling itself. See it for what it is. Be with it. Hold it and acknowledge that it is only a memory that is being evoked and that your inner child just wants to know that she’ll be okay in whatever situation the unconscious is perceiving to be ‘negative’. You are safe.

8. What's one thing you like to do every day that cultivates peace and happiness?

I just love. I love myself and I love others. I love in the face of nature and other physical manifestations. I love animals and bees and birds and architecture. I love what is both man-made and grows naturally. I love everything and that is why I chose to come here.

9. How can we make a difference in the world?

We make a difference in this world when we realize that you did not come here to ‘make’ a difference. You ARE a difference, only by being yourself. There is nothing you have to do or be or achieve or cultivate in order to fulfil your purpose here on earth. Because when you accept that this choice was made in order for you to be here in this physical reality you also see that everyone else has the same choice of life in the way you do. And when you also acknowledge that everyone else is of the same power and fulfilling their path in the exact way that was intended for THEM as for YOU when you follow the path of what feels good to you and most fruitful in the current moment, you realize no one came here to be saved, only loved. From within themselves. So no, you don’t need to make a difference in this world, as there is no need. To make. Anything. Other than Being. You are loved just the way that you are, and nothing is bigger than yourself. And when you open up to this transformational truth; you will see that all everyone craves in the first place, is LOVE. And the more you embody this from the source within yourself the more the world heals. As we are all it. No action needed.

10. Outline a perfect morning routine for us

The perfect way to start your day is starting it and waking up whenever you feel like it in the current moment. If it’s day, night, afternoon, midday, who cares! What feels best to you? What do you want to do? Sleep in if you want to. Wake up if your energy is bursting with eagerness. There is no right or wrong answer here only follow your heart and you’ll have the perfect morning routine right there. You decide whenever that ‘morning’ is. I love you.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Thank you so much Alexsandra for your thoughtful answers.

To view past true self profiles click here.

Each month an amazing human being will share with us their personal stories and tips on how to live your best life. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please drop us a note below…