Laura The Explaura

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Tips To Keeping Warm At Home This Winter

Being cold is miserable. It is difficult to stay motivated. It is difficult to get out of bed in the morning.

During Winter we want to be comfortable. We want to keep healthy. We want to stay focused on our goals. We want to stay well.

Ways that you can add comfort to your homes this Winter;

  • Change your bedsheets to flannelette sheets – they are warm and snuggly

  • Add an electric blanket to your bed and turn it on half an hour before getting in bed for extra luxury

  • Buy plush bath towels – warm them in front of the fire, heater, dryer or on a heated towel rail to have extra comfort when getting out of the shower

  • Put down a floor rug or rugs as an extra cover – tiles are cold and makes it difficult to heat

  • Install curtains over your glass doors - glass is a conductor and lets the cold in

  • Add a throw rug to your lounge - to snuggle up in when on the couch

  • Start the fire or heater before it gets really cold of a night. Around 4 pm in the afternoon is the zone

  • Use draught stoppers under doors to keep the warm air in and the cool air out

  • Swap sheer curtains for heavier curtains during the colder months - and notice the difference

Ways we can be sensible and be more comfortable this Winter;

  • Wear warm socks, a singlet, beanies and scarf when going outdoors

  • Wear enclosed shoes

  • Wear cosy slippers or ugg boots when at home

  • Buy a warm jumper or dressing gown for the nights at home

  • Wear warm flannelette winter pyjamas

  • Eat warm foods – such as soups

  • Cook a warm nourishing breakfast; eggs and mushrooms, oats or porridge, stewed apple and quinoa flakes

  • Enjoy warm teas - one of a morning and another of an afternoon to warm your insides

  • Bake goodies and eat them fresh out of the oven - yum!

  • Keep up your Vitamin C intake and drink orange juice to help prevent getting a cold

What to do when stuck indoors during Winter;

  • Place a bowl of water near the fireplace to dehumidify the air

  • Stay in and play board games or cards rather than risk getting a cold by going out

  • Stay in and catch up on your reading

  • Work indoors on something you have been putting off – clean out the linen press, the medicine cabinet, paint a room, write to a friend, plan your next holiday

  • Have an umbrella handy if you are going out in the rain

  • Keep active - keep up with your regular workout or fitness routines

What do you like to do during Winter? Are you a hibernator or do you not let the change in the weather bother you? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.