Cool Teachers Know

There are teachers, and then there are teachers. You probably know which category you fall in.

If you are having trouble deciphering this may help.

Cool teachers…

  • Know how to have a joke with the kids but still be professional

  • Will have a roll race each morning with the class. How quickly can the students say the next child’s name in the roll. Time them and try to beat it each day.

  • Have a count off – say one and children count themselves off to make sure everyone is in the right place

  • Have special names for days e.g. Friday dance off, Wacky Wednesday

  • Greet their students in different ways at the door e.g. Thumbs Up Thursday, High Five Friday, Fist Pump Friday

  • Have cool prizes – stay in for a tea party with the teacher, disco party, seat allocation

  • Sit on the floor and get down to their students level

  • End the day with fun - game, video, song…

  • Have a focus Spotify mix playing in the background while work is happening

  • Have a list displayed of what doing for the day so students are aware of what is happening

  • Use expression and enthusiasm when teaching

  • Let their student’s choose their seating

  • Dress modern and in a way students can relate to

  • Have a flexible sitting system in the classroom

  • Are positive. Frame things positively. Speak and use positive reinforcement - praise and reward their students

  • Stamp their students work. They will give them more than one stamp on their page because we all know stamps don’t cost much

  • Organise fun themed days or activities such as a book or board game swap, cereal day, movie day, pizza party or things such as haircuts for their students

Did that help? Do you know cool teachers? Or are you one?

What else do you notice cool teacher do? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.