Laura The Explaura

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Mindfulness At The End Of The Day

There is often that dead time between packing up and the bell ringing which is usually filled with reading a couple of pages of a book or a quick game that is always interrupted by the bell.

Have you considered bringing the class together for a quick mindfulness session? So when they get in the car to go home and their parents ask them what they did at school today, they actually have a response prepared rather than just ‘nothing’.

Attempting to complete the day on a positive note makes a difference in the way the students leave the classroom. Bring your students into a closing circle and pose the following meaningful reflection questions; maybe choose one or two a day. It could be completed together as partners, in a small group, a table group, or share in a class discussion. Encourage everyone to participate.

  • What was something you learnt about someone today?

  • How were you a good friend today?

  • Did anything surprise you today? What scared you today?

  • What amazed you today?

  • Was the best thing that happened today?

  • What was one thing you enjoyed learning about today?

  • Who are your role models?

  • Who do you look up to?

  • What's a good turn you can do for your parents this afternoon without them knowing or you telling them?

  • What are you grateful for right now?

  • Are you reading anything great at the moment?

  • How do you want to be remembered when you are gone?

  • What is it that makes you happy?

  • Is there something that is stressing you at the moment?

  • What are you most excited about right now?

  • What is one thing you would like to work on tomorrow?

  • What are you most grateful for?

  • What would a ten out of ten day at school look like?

  • How does math’s make you feel?

  • What does math’s look like at school?

  • What do you want to be able to do?

  • What's something really good that happened recently?

  • How did you help someone today?

  • Did you do your best today?

End with a song, chant or cheer to celebrate a good day of learning, their efforts and accomplishments.

You could even print the questions and send them home as prompts for parents to create conversations and connect with their child.

What questions do you ask your class at the end of the day? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.

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