Getting The Whole Class Involved

Aa teacher you tend to find it is always the same people with their hand up, answering all the questions. Whilst this is great that they are getting involved, it would be even better if more students took part, shared their ideas and asked questions.

Here are some ideas on how to get the lazy, inactive or anxious students involved;

  • Have students names on pop sticks in a cup and pick them out randomly

  • Give out numbers and go through the numbers throughout the day

  • Have a no hands up session, just pick on random students

  • Warn the anxious students ‘I will be choosing you next’ so they have some time to prepare their response

  • Use a random name picker such as this wheel or this one wheel here or ABCya has a great one you can find here

  • Offer an incentive for answering and participating

  • Break into thinking partners, then they find another pair to sit with to share their thoughts and ideas. Have one child share back from each group

hand up

An interesting experiment you may like to try at some point, is to have a class list with your student’s names in front of you whilst teaching (or works easier for you, if you can do it while someone else is teaching) and place a tick next to their name each time they get involved either contributing or asking a question. This way you get a great gauge and insight as to who are your active learners - those who are getting involved and sharing their ideas and then those students who are reluctant, disengaged or sitting back letting others do the learning for them.

How do you get your whole class involved? We would love if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.