Getting To Know You Games For Teachers

Your students may start the new school year a little apprehensive about who their teacher will be as well as which friends will be in their class. To help ease this worry or stress, it is important to build that class community spirit from day one, so the class becomes a close-knit team, a family that looks out for everyone.

It is just as important for the students to get to know each other as it is for you as the teacher to get to know them. By building this respect, these relationships will build community amongst your students which will be felt by anyone that visits your room.    

Depending upon the age of your students, it may be a good idea at the start of the year to wear name tags for the first couple of days to help everyone learn names. Plus there are many fun ice breaker games you can play to support everyone getting to know each other.

  • Who Is Missing? – everyone in the class close’s their eyes, one person is removed, and the main person has to guess who is missing

  • Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar? - Singing a song involving children’s names will help to practice.

  • Guess Who? – the main person gives a clue to the class and others must guess who they are referring to

  • Good Morning – the main person sits at the front of the class with their back to everyone, one child is chosen to say ‘good morning’ and the main person has to guess who said it. Give them three chances

  • Bingo - quickly draw up a four by four grid and label each box with something similar to the game above e.g. is the eldest in the family, name starts with s, has seen Frozen 2, has been to another country etc. Copy one for each child and they must move around the room asking the other students these questions. They then write their name in the box which relates to them. The first person to find someone for each box wins.

  • I Am Special Because… - sitting in a circle, the first child says ‘I am special because…’ and completes the sentence, the next child must repeat what the first person said e.g ‘Jackson is special because … and I am special because …’ and then add why they are special. The game continues around the circle with each child adding on. Help can be given if someone forgets

  • Two Truths and A Lie - one student must give three examples of things about themselves, two must be true and one must be made up. Other students must guess which one is the lie. Give students time to consider their truths and lie and spread this activity out throughout the week

  • Roll Call Question - each day of first term as you call the attendance roll, students must answer a question when it comes to their name e.g favourite colour, what makes you happy, how many people in your family…

  • All About Me Page - students complete a worksheet all about themselves and have this on display in the class for others to read

  • Escape Rooms - problem solving as a team will definitely help your class get to know each other a little better

  • A Minute To Win It Games - good fun for the beginning of the year and for their team mates to cheer them on. Find some games to play here

Make sure you also have bag tags, desk tags and tray tags so students can easily find their place or help each other to find their place.

What games do you like to play with your new class? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.

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