Using Self-Reflection Questions in the Classroom

How often do we finish teaching something to our students and then quickly move on to the next demanding subject? Our days are often push, push, push with little time for reflection.

Imagine taking just five minutes at the end of the lesson, at the end of the day or the end of a unit to reflect on the key takeaways, to summarise what we just learnt, or to evaluate how effective it was.

We could gather so much information and evidence to create more effective lessons or programs and take the students feedback on board. We could reach all students and make a real difference to the students when they know they are being heard.

So I challenge you for the next term, instead of rushing through onto the next thing, make time for reflection. Stop telling the students we don’t have time. Make the time. Sit with your students and review your success criteria. Were all students successful?

Here are some prompts to help, some questions that can be asked at the end of the lesson, at the end of the day, at the end of a unit…

  • I am clearer about…

  • I am confused about…

  • I am challenged by…

  • I am curious about…

  • I used to think _____ but now I think _____

  • Today in class _____ was difficult for me because _____

  • Today in class ______ was easy for me because _____

  • I wonder…

  • An impact this learning might have on me is…

  • How does this relate to my life?

  • What was it that helped me with my learning to move forward?

Some strategies that may work include;

  • Using a feedback cross and revisit at the end of the lesson

  • 2 stars and a wish - students give two positives and one negative on their peer’s performance

  • Warm and cold - students reflect on what worked well and what did not work well that lesson

  • 3,2,1 Strategy - Give three new ideas that captured your attention. Two actions you might implement in the next two months and one thing you think you will remember long after this unit is over

  • create a kahoot with yes/no questions related to the unit for instant feedback

  • use learning intentions - for where am I going? and reflect at the end of the lesson using a success criteria - for how am I going? and Where to next?

Do you make time for self-reflection in your classroom? What questions do you ask? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left your comments below.