Egypt, Think Outside The Pyramids

Egypt is incredible. Besides it being obviously filled to the brim with history, there is a real feeling and vibe present.

There is humour or maybe it's the feeling of delirium from the heat. Egyptians are friendly and are desperate and proud to share their country.

Cairo is one of my favourite cities in the world. it is pumping 24/7. The food deserves its own mention. My mouth waters just thinking about all the dip and breads. The Turkish coffee too. I become an addict.

The days are long but the years are short - Gretchen Rubin.

If you can, go!

You will find the most incredible sites of all the world in Egypt. Make sure to visit;

  • The Great Pyramids

  • The Sphinx

  • Luxor Temple

  • take a felucca ride on the Nile staying overnight

  • visit Aswan

  • go out to the White Desert and sleep under the stars

  • hot air balloon ride over The Valley Of The Kings

  • Abu Simbel Temple

  • Karnak

  • Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut

  • go snorkeling in the Blue Hole or the Red Sea

Follow this link for more of my travel photographs from around the world.

Have you been to Egypt? What were your impressions? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.