How To Stay Healthy While Travelling

Staying well, fit and healthy is a top priority of mine both prior to and whilst I’m away travelling. There is nothing worse then lacking energy, being snuffed up around others or unable to leave your room whilst on holidays. It’s even more important when on tour as everyone loves spreading the germs throughout the group. 

These are my top tips for things I do and recommend to stay healthy whilst travelling: 

* Begin taking a probiotic a couple of weeks prior to travelling and then each day while away. I prefer to take the stronger 30 billion or higher however depends on the conditions of the country I am travelling to. Taking a probiotic assists your digestion and boosts your immunity. 

* Visit a naturopath prior to leaving and ask for their suggested natural therapies to pack. A tonic to pack and take each day is a great idea. I took a dose each morning while travelling through Africa for two months and never got sick once.

* Visit your doctor at least a month before jetting off to find out what vaccinations and medication may be needed for the places you are travelling to. Some such as Cholera need to be taken three weeks prior to leaving so it’s important to be organised in this regard.

* It’s very advisable in many countries, particularly under developed ones that you drink only sealed bottled water. Even when cleaning teeth and be conscious to not drink the water whilst having a shower. Stick to bottled water or soft drink and avoid milkshakes and premade juices which can upset your stomach. Make sure to ask for no ice in your drink.

* Watch out for under cooked meats and I always avoid eating fish in Asian countries.

* Be aware that salads and fruit may be washed with unclean water so I generally avoid these and get my fix when back home. Fruits with skin such as bananas are my preference when travelling and are a great energy food.

* Always wash your hands before eating and after going to the toilet. I carry antiseptic gel with me everywhere and use it frequently. Especially after going on public transport or in public areas.

* Once in my hotel room I use antibacterial wipes and clean a lot of the surfaces such as the door knobs, taps, and cupboard handles where others may have touched.

* Keep exercising whilst away if possible. Take a walk, swim, use the hotel gym or continue your daily yoga practice. It all helps in the long run.

* Pack some snacks from home such as muesli bars, protein bars, popcorn and nuts. This keeps you from buying unhealthy snacks like chocolate or chips when you are hungry. In some countries there are limited foods to chose from.

* Clean your utensils before using them with a napkin.

* Pack Berocca or some electrolyte powder to drink if you begin to feel a little run down or lacking sleep.

A little common sense goes a long way when travelling so its really not too difficult to stay healthy. Can you suggest anything you do to stay healthy while you are away travelling? Comment below