Laura The Explaura

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The beginning of my overseas travels started 15 years ago when I taught for a month at Te Uki Ou School on Rarotonga, in the Cook Islands for my second year practicum. What a learning curve that was! My first plane flight, passport stamps and fending for myself. It was back in the days of bags without wheels, film cameras and pay by the minute internet on terribly slow computers.

Prior to leaving Australia, I vividly remember my university supervisor Allan White telling me, 'Once you start to travel, you won't be able to stop'. How true that was! I have the travel bug. I became addicted to the adrenalin, happiness and endorphin's traveling triggered within me. I have overcome fears, had unimaginable adventures and experienced life in a way I never dreamed possible.

Since then I have been all over the world and to each continent except for Antarctica. I don't have a next destination or a must see list of countries. I just want to see it all. I choose to live light so at any opportunity I can escape. I enjoy being challenged and pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

​Seeing the world is inspiring, motivating and fascinating. And always leaves you wanting more…

I am committed to learning more about the world, discovering what brings others happiness and witnessing their day to day lives. To travel means you have to be open to new experiences and be okay with being pushed out of your comfort zone. It helps to travel with a modest, grateful and appreciative mindset. This is turn will reward you with a much more positive and pleasant experience. You must understand each journey you take will be different and unique. Each person you meet; rain forest, desert, city, mountain, island, museum, castle, and beach you explore, will I'm sure, leave an imprint on your heart and mind. 

Traveling changes you. It gives you new perspective on life, makes you feel grateful and humbles you. Traveling creates conversation and expands your world view. For me, traveling brings a sense of freedom. It allows me to escape my responsibilities and the seriousness of life, it's a chance to learn from others and expand my social network. Traveling also brings a feeling of simplicity to my life.

​Life is full of adventures yet when I am out exploring the world that is when I feel most alive and the truest version of myself. This blog is about me sharing my traveling journey with the world. I encourage you all to expand your world view and explore the feelings and motivations that travel brings to your life.  

Traveling is a skill which can only be learnt through the act of travel. So start packing!