Signs You Are A Fair Dinkum Traveller

Growing up my family had a holiday house by the Hawkesbury River. Five acres of bush walks, cricket games, reading under the shade of the Red Seeder tree, camping with our cousins, swimming and water-skiing. It was amazing. However there was always a deep seeded feeling of wanting to escape and see what else there was in the world.

So I have done just that. Travelled the world in search of more. More adventure, more knowledge, more culture, more friendships, more wow moments, more of everything.... Travelling brings so much more to my life.

Do you have friends that are the same or are you a keen traveler too? Are you away more than you are home? Always planning your next escape or adventure? Çan you relate to these signs that you are a fair dinkum traveler?

  • The first question family and friends ask when they see you, ‘where are you off to next?

  • Your bathroom drawers are full of the tiny hotel sized toiletries; shampoo, conditioner, soaps and shower caps you will never wear

  • Your coffee table/bedside reading is Lonely Planet Guides, travel brochures, atlas and photobooks

  • You own a scratch map or world globe

  • You have a folder on your phone called ‘Travel’ with your travel apps

  • You use ‘WhatsApp’ on a daily basis

  • You own a microfibre towel, bag scale and anti DVT flight socks

  • You have travel adapters for each region of the world

  • You don’t own plants or pets so you can get away at any time

  • You have email subscriptions to flight deals, Escape, Smart Traveler, Kathmandu, tour groups such as Intrepid and TopDeck, and other travellers blogs

  • You have more friends overseas than in your own country

  • You rent your place

  • Your suitcase is already packed with essentials

  • Your friends mention often that you should start a travel blog

  • You probably have a collection of some sort - keyrings, magnets, pins, postcards

  • You own a pair of hiking boots

  • You ask for Kathmandu vouchers for gifts

Did you answer yes to the majority of these? Then signs are, you qualify as a fair dinkum traveler.

Do you have any other suggestions? Anything to add to the conversation? Feel free to comment below.