How To Stay Connected To Your Travel Buddies

Whilst travelling, I often form unique bonds and friendships with people that live in all parts of the world, that were once strangers. I often reflect that I have more friends overseas than I have living in Australia. And so, I like to try to make an effort to keep in contact. To keep the friendship alive.

If possible, I love to visit my friends while travelling in their part of the world. Yet, with travel restrictions this year, it has just not happened.

So how do you stay connected while being forced to be apart? Of course, I understand the current pandemic situation and the travel ban is for our own good; yet connections and friendships are critical to our wellbeing.

These are my top tips for how you can stay connected to your friends all around the world:

Facebook - Facebook has many features including messenger and video calls. I also use Facebook to update posts and photos of what been up to as well as check in to what others have been up to. It keeps me in the loop.

WhatsApp - WhatsApp is a fantastic app I use to message, video call and share photos on my status. Only at the cost of an internet connection. It is free to download and all you need is your friend’s mobile phone number including their country code and you are good to go.

Snapchat - Great for sending quick videos or pictures to friends. Great for my friends with small children and I can see what they are up to and the milestones they have reached.

Email - It may seem obvious but I don’t think we take as much time to sit and write longer messages these days. It is something I do with several of my friends every couple of months.

Mail - Send letters, parcels, cards in the mail. Include a letter of things that you have got up to this year. Send care package’s – cards, Christmas gifts, birthday gifts


Of course, every friendship is different; for some friends I communicate weekly, others monthly or every couple of months. There is no right or wrong. Everyone just appreciates being remembered and thought of. So when are key times you could connect to your friends overseas?

  • When you hear or see of something happening in their country e.g. natural disaster, political transition

  • For special events and celebrations that could be Christmas, Easter, Eid, Ramadan, Diwali, their birthdays

  • Once home from a trip I like to find photos that include these friends and send them to them whether I print and send them in the mail or send them electronically. It is always something special to share.

  • When memories come up on Facebook or Snapchat, I like to reminisce and share these time with those friends

  • Or some friends I have a general check in every couple of weeks and I make sure to have their time zone on my phone, so I know when the best time is to send messages

How and when do you stay connected to your friends around the world? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.