Key Takeaways From China

My sister and I visited China for three weeks back in 2011. I have been to so many places since then but China is still one of my favourite countries to visit.

It was such a great trip and a fascinating country to tour. You can not even imagine what you will experience. It is almost shocking, surreal but intriguing.

Be prepared for;

  • It is the opposite of peace and quiet

  • There are so many Asians there

  • Expect to get your photo taken as you will stand out if you are a blonde, have red hair or a guy with a beard

  • People push onto trains

  • There is no concept of queueing

  • There is a lot of spitting going on

  • East China is incredibly beautiful

  • Be warned that there are pickpocketers and they are very good at it

  • There is green tea everyone

  • The Three Gorge’s Dam was a brilliant project and idea

  • The mattresses on the bed are very hard. You will soon learn to slowly ease yourself onto the bed rather than flop down onto it like you may be used to

  • Every dish has chilli in it. It is very hot. Good for those who like their food spicy, not so much for everyone else

  • It is rare to find forks in restaurants. Just about everywhere gives you chopsticks to eat with

  • Don’t expect the Great Wall to be an easy walk

Who knows how far off international travel is… but when we do I hope China is on your list of places to go. It is a place that must be seen to be believed.

Have you been to China? What were your key takeaways? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.
