Laura The Explaura

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Highlights of Oman

Oman may seem an unusual choice as a country to travel to. I bet it’s not on the top of your bucket list. But for me, it was out of interest sake.

I did a two-week tour through Oman with GAdventures in 2019 and tagged it on with a trip to Iran and Qatar. It was fascinating. It is was a mix of many countries that I have visited. Food yum, people so nice, and the landscapes surprising.

In Oman you will find;

  • plenty of goats, camels, donkeys. You must visit the goat markets. So much fun to see how it all works

  • speed bumps on the road to slow drivers down

  • lemon mint juice is what everyone drinks and it is so refreshing to drink in the extreme heat

  • the rocky Mountains. The scenery is spectacular. It is not as scary as I expected. I did have my eyes closed for part of it though but I was so thankful to be able to sit in the front seat which lessons my car sickness

  • desert camps. We stayed in the middle of nowhere and it was incredible! Sunset is a sight to see.

  • swimming in the sinkhole. Another wow moment.

  • turtles. We did a night tour and were so fortunate to see a mama turtle laying eggs and then when we walked on we saw baby turtles crawling into the water. Such a highlight of not just Oman but in my life!

  • small Grand Canyon. You can do a day hike through this huge canyon. It’s a bit hard going but is definitely worth it.

Have you been to Oman? What were the highlights for you? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.