Laura The Explaura

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Risks Whilst Travelling

Whilst you would love to think everything is going to go smoothly while away on holidays, that is not always the case. You should go with an open mind, yet also travel listening to your intuition and gut instincts.

Unfortunately, there are people out there who will take advantage of you. So it pays to do some research prior to travelling to a particular place. I suggest doing a google search for known scams or warnings in that area.

Other warnings of travel;

  • Driving and hiring scooter, ATV or car can open up the possibility of accidents. Make sure you drive or ride with care. Getting injured while away is a huge inconvenience and expense.

  • Scams - research online for the city or country’s most common scams, there is always someone out there who wants your money and is making a profit.

  • Try to only take taxis with a meter. Make sure they use it if they have one, otherwise you don’t know what they will charge you but expect that it will be significantly more.

  • I am sure you have heard of the ‘tourist prices verse local prices’. If there are no prices up, expect to pay the tourist price, usually double the local price or more. Be in the know, ask at the hotel what you should expect to pay and always bargain them down.

  • Have a name tag inside your bag, as well as the outside. This is extra protection if your outside tag is removed and you need to identify your bag.

  • Have emergency cash in your passport holder, in your carry bag and in your check-in bag. You never know when you may need to exchange some money or when an ATM is not working. You may have both of your bags or only one. It is best to spread your cash around. Always travel with emergency cash.

  • Be wary of people that are too friendly, or ones that offer to carry your bags. They usually want to be paid for it and won’t leave you alone until you do.

There are scammers all around the world that love money. They will do anything to get it. Be wise, act smart and don’t fall for there tricks.

Have you been scammed while overseas? Or avoided a certain situation? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.