Strange And Unusual Foods I Have Tried

Having travelled to 82 countries, I often get asked about food.

Usually, what is the strangest, weird or grossest food I have tried?

Sadly my stories are not that interesting or I have to rack my brain thinking back what I have had. We have tried a few things here and there but nothing grotesque like the tarantula’s in Cambodia.

Searching for unusual food is not high on my priorities while I travel but I have had;

  • snails in France - interesting struggle to eat

  • horse tongue in sushi in Japan - we didn’t order this one, it was a surprise

  • haggis in Scotland - minced sheep’s heart, liver and lungs

  • camel and shark in Oman

  • llama pizza in Bolivia

  • liver in Morocco - loved the spices they put with the liver. Delicious

  • black pudding - blood sausage

  • rabbit in Malta

  • airag in Mongolia - fermented horse milk. Not something I would try again

  • crocodile and kangaroo in the Outback, Australia

  • bamboo in Thailand - yum, ate it like a snack

  • grasshoppers in Guatemala

I bought a friend a fried cockroach in Thailand, thankfully he did not return the favour.


Have you tried anything extreme while travelling? Anything unusual? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.