Why Travelling Scares Me But I Do It Anyway

I have many irrational fears including heights, water, flying, 4WDriving, public speaking as well as social anxiety however I have never let it stop me doing what I want to do.

I travel to ensure fear does not dictate my life.

My fear of settling down is actually stronger than my fear of flying, pushing myself out of my comfort zone or travelling solo to unknown places. I have a strong desire and need for freedom. Feeling stuck or locked in makes me claustrophobic and causes me anxiety.

As much as I do enjoy a bit of routine, after a while I get restless, impatient and feel suffocated. My wanderlust takes over and the feeling, the need or the ‘rush’ of something new, the unknown, an adventure or challenge takes over. I am open to the world and all possibilities and opportunities.

I have done lots of crazy shit. I have skydived three times, swam in Devils Pool on the edge of Victoria Falls, been white water rafting in grade 5 rapids, sand boarded down a volcano, taken helicopter rides, ridden an out of control donkey, and taken a tuk-tuk amongst India’s worst traffic on multiple occasions. It may sound scary. It was. It may sound ridiculous. It is. You may question why? I have questioned myself several times. The only other alternative I see is sitting at home and regretting not getting out there. I never want to be that person on the sideline missing out, imagining a life for myself rather than living my life.

Do you think I can speak other languages? Hell no! Maybe a little French and Arabic but there is no way I could communicate with others, other than sign language and a big smile. But I give it a go anyway. It becomes fun rather than scary. You should see me try to use chopsticks. Or maybe not…

I grew up in a very protective environment, shielded from all the nasties out there (which I am thankful for). Which for me means I have been naïve at times so it’s been a steep learning curve, working the world out. It’s been shocking at times and makes me questions others values and morals but travelling has been one of my biggest teachers. If I didn’t get out there and face the world I would still be that very innocent timid girl I once was.

Have I overcome my fear of travel? No. But I will continue to push myself. I will continue to have fun with it. I have never felt more proud of myself, and it has been a great boost to my confidence. It feels good to let things go and feel free, feel curious, and feel like you can do anything. It has been a great way of figuring myself out.

So whatever you fear, whatever you dread, I encourage you to face it head-on. Don’t let fear hold you back from doing amazing shit. Create your own life story with everything you never dreamed you would have in there.

What are you currently fearing but are doing anyway? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.