Laura The Explaura

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How Well Do You Know Yourself?

Through self awareness and knowing what makes you you, life will begin to make so much more sense! There are several online tests you can do to gain this inner knowledge about yourself. These are just a few examples of ones that give you a tonne of information to to increase your self-awareness and assist you on your journey of self discovery. The links are all included below; 

  • The 3 Dosha’s - According to Ayurveda, there are three mind/body types - vata, pitta or kapha. By identifying your body type you can create and live the lifestyle best for you

  • The 5 Love Languages - discover your love language and improve your relationship. Which language speaks to your heart the most - acts of service, words of affirmation, receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch

  • The 4 Tendencies - research by Gretchin Rubin looks at how we face our outer and inner expectations which categorises us as an upholder, questioner, obliger or rebel. Knowing your tendency will make it more likely you will achieve your aims

  • Erotic Blueprint - a quiz devised by Miss Jaiya which provides a framework to create deeper connection and sexual satisfaction. Do you relate as energetic, sensual, sexual, kinky or a shapeshifter?

  • VIA Survey - a free self assessment which helps us understand our best qualities. It breaks our strengths and weaknesses down and provides a personalized, in-depth analysis, including actionable tips to apply your strengths to find greater well-being

  • The Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment (MBTI) - used to identify how people see the world and make decisions based on 16 personality types. The link will take you to the official site where you have to pay to complete the test, however you can easily search for free downloadable versions

  • Enneagram - a test that will show you which of the nine personality types suit you best. It helps you to discover your true selves, and achieve more happiness, fulfillment, and harmony

  • Self Awareness Test - devised by the iNLP center, this test addresses the ten areas of self-awareness; inner self, personal paradigm, personal beliefs, life values, inner conflict, stress and negativity triggers, inner parents, personal limitations, self sabotage and your future

  • The Power of When Quiz - to find your chronotype – Chronotypes is your personal biological clock that controls your body’s rhythms. Are you a wolf, dolphin, lion or bear? It explains how these types impact your sleep and habits

  • High Performance Indicator Assessment - explains the six habits to success. You will get six scores and be able to compare your overall score to the general public and world's top 15% of high performers

Can you add to our list? Have you heard of any other personality tests? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.