If Tomorrow Was Your Last Day...

If you knew that tomorrow was your last day would you change anything about the way you go about your day? The way you live your life?

Would you try to be any different? Or be content with who you are?

Would you think carefully before you spoke? Or speak all on your mind?

Would your new perspective change the way you look at things? Or other people?

Would you have any regrets you would try to fix? Or let them lie?

Would you take more care with your appearance? Or less?

Would you clean up behind you? Or leave it for someone else?

Would you escape and drive away spending time alone? Or be surrounded by those you love?

Would you do your day slow and enjoy every moment? Or would you rush, trying to squeeze everything into every minute?

Would you put your phone down and connect with people in front of you? Or spend more time on your phone connecting with friends afar?

Would you be miserable? Hopeful? Sad? Or happy?

Would you show you are grateful to the people closest to you? Or do they already know?

Would you consider your legacy you are leaving behind? Or is it too late for that?

Would you be proud of the stories that friends will share? The memories you leave behind?

Would you worry about what you ate? Your weight? Your grey hairs? Your fine lines?

It is very possible that tomorrow could be your last day but is it even something we should consider or should we just be living each day as it comes?