Laura The Explaura

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How To Be Happy

Living a positive, happy and healthy life has always been my priority. And it seems to be working out pretty well. I find keeping things positive, calm and simple has definitely made a difference in my perspective and the way I deal with adversity.

So I wanted to share with you my top tips on how we can lead a happy life;

  • think happy - say thank you and be grateful often

  • offer your services and volunteer for something

  • eliminate desire and selflessness

  • avoid eating alone - share meals with other people at least once or twice a week

  • find your simple happy - is it bubbles? is it treating yourself to a morning coffee? is it watching Friends episodes? try to do it often

  • consider adopting or buying a pet

  • communicate - with your partner - practice crystal clear communication - be vulnerable and show your true self

  • make a stress list and work through it

  • create happiness habits such as listening to mindful music while working

  • prioritise sleep - get at least eight hours a night

  • call or connect to friends or family at least once a week

  • don’t waste your worries on the future, on things that haven’t happened yet. Choose faith over fear

  • do your shadow work - study your limiting beliefs that you need to heal

  • make plans for special holidays or occasions so you are not left disappointed

  • make your days count

  • enjoy every sunset or get up for sunrise and appreciate it

  • get a passport and use it

  • laugh

Create your Happy List. We are all different when it comes to things that make us happy. Have you considered lately what makes you happy – what brings you simple pleasures or great joy?

By taking time to reflect on your happy list, acknowledging them, and incorporating them into your day, your week or your month will make a great difference to your wellbeing and mental health.

So grab some paper and make your list. Place it somewhere prominent so you see it each day.

For me its;

  • Freshly mowed grass

  • Clean bedsheets

  • Warm cosy quilt

  • Blowing bubbles

  • Watching the glow of a fire

  • Warm shower

  • Watching the sunrise and/or sunset

  • Passionate love

  • Toe touches


To be more specific you can break your list up with;

  • Activities that make you happy

  • Items that make you happy

  • People that make you happy

  • Songs that make you happy

  • Shows that make you happy

Sounds crazy but I when experiencing happiness, I say thank you. I say it aloud or in my head, and I thank it for bringing me happiness.

Who doesn’t wish to be happy? More happiness in everyone’s day would be appreciated I’m sure. What ways do you make a concentrated effort to be happy and share happiness? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below

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