May 2024 In Hindsight

As the saying goes, my plate was full this month. I was stretched to the max. Whilst trying to be superwoman in all aspects of my life, in hindsight I reckon I did a pretty good job of pulling it off but gosh it was an effort. With birthdays, mothers day, a baby shower, home renovations, blog writing, health appointments, and a hectic work schedule May took some organising and then some, to stay on top of it all. It is funny how stress can affect you, my mind totally lost track of which day it was, the feeling that days had was gone. After hanging up a work call to a parent I realised I had wished them a good weekend and it was only Tuesday.

Listened to - 

* The Mario Forleo Podcast - she is such a good interviewer and always on great topics

* Love What You Create Podcast - Cassie shared about her journey of creating and selling her belief balance cards which was really interesting

* Where Should We Begin with Esther Perel - good takeaways from this months episodes

* Autism Classroom Resources Podcast - this is one I like to keep on top off as it is relevant to my work

Read - 

* nothing! I did not have a spare second other than to read the first few chapters of a book my BFF gave me. Its a funny one, but time would just not allow me to get through it

Splurged on - 

* prescription glasses - I had my annual eye test this month and left there with a $400 bill for my first ever pair of reading glasses. I have been wearing them for my computer work and they are not so bad, even if I do look ridiculous.

Watching - 

* Have You Been Paying Attention - last weeks once funny but I’m very quickly loosing interest

* Clarkson’s Farm - been waiting for ages for this one to come back on. Love the whole idea of it.

Went to - 

* Stayed at the Four Seasons in Sydney for my bfs birthday. It was raining that night plus we took our dog Reg along, so I packed a huge platter and we stayed in looking out across to the Harbour Bridge and Opera House. It was perfect. Even took a bath and did a face mask. My bfs birthday stretched out including seeing Akmal at Windsor RSL, dinner at the Fiddler and dinner at Chinese with his family.

* Boiler House up at the Hydro Majestic for my bfs mums 85th birthday. Was 9 degrees up there and thick heavy fog covered the valley so we saw nothing. Food wasn’t that good either. Wouldn’t really go back.

* dinner with my BFF at Lola Cocina Parramatta

* shopping for house items. So much shopping. Visited the Good Guys to buy our appliances. Went to Plush Sofas to order our upstairs lounge. Its going to be a 2-4 week wait. Drove to Mt Riverview to pick up four dining chairs from Marketplace. Picked up a Life Interiors queen bed frame from Box Hill from Marketplace. Went through Ikea but we didn't buy anything. Got three beautiful pendants from Beacon Lighting. Chose a limestone tile for the fireplace from Amber Tiles. Picked up the vanity and basin from Seaton Bathrooms. Got the DeLonghi toaster and kettle from ALDI special buys to add to the new kitchen. Bought, picked up and flat packed out way through four cupboards from Fantastic Furniture for our walk in wardrobe.

* For Mothers Day I went to visit my mum at their place and spent some time with her including giving my 15 year old nephew a driving lesson. It’s usually on my parents property but this time we went down the road and back again. Rebels. My 13 year old nephew was keen to so I gave him his first lesson.

Booked - 

* staying in the city for two nights for the SEPLA Conference in July. My mentor and I will be presenting about transition to school for children with additional needs.

Cooked - 

* Fried rice, pesto pasta, salmon, beetroot salad, roasted dinner, hamburgers.

* For my sisters high tea baby shower I made; chocolate brownies, everyday slice, carrot and walnut muffins, banana cake, passion-fruit and berry ricotta cake, cherry flan, coconut jam slice, red velvet cupcakes. All out on the back deck in our oudoor kitchen on that freezing windy day that came out of nowhere. My boyfriend got the fire going and it was kinda fun.

What's new - 

* home improvements - kitchen comes this week. Finally after the guy saying it will be a month, six weeks later…. Carpet Call guys came and installed carpet upstairs, that meant taking everything upstairs to downstairs then once done taking everything back upstairs, it was a big couple of days. But we love it. Its been over a year since I ripped the carpet up so we are still in awe mode. We finally decided upon a new black vanity, yet to be installed. I decided I wanted a walk in wardrobe fit out as soon as the carpet was in, and my boyfriend was onboard so we drove around a few places then decided on the cupboards from Fantastic Furniture. There goes our Saturday night and half of Sunday.

* updates on my blog: whilst I was hoping to post everyday on my blog for the month of May I did manage to publish 23 blog posts, which I thought was a pretty damn good effort. 8 teaching posts, 10 travel posts and 5 true self. It was time consuming though. My views went up to 2000 this month. I remember when my goal was 1000 so 2000 is smashing it. Maybe not 23 blog posts but I am hoping to keep up with an increase in publishing posts.

* I had my six month reviews with my doctor. He ordered gallbladder and kidney ultrasounds, blood and urine testing and from that he determined I have an overactive bladder. I have been getting up like an old lady in the middle of the night to pee so now I have to make an appointment to see a physio and work on expanding my bladder size.

* My financial planner recently sold his company. I had an appointment to meet the new guy but not sure if he is the right match. Still sussing him out.

* I hosted a baby shower for Luc at my parents place this month. With the help of her handy husband in the early hours of Sunday morning, we set up a little high tea situation in the front driveway. I had cooked the day before, mum prepared some sandwiches, Alison brought the scones and Luc cooked her popular apple slice and Grandmas fairy cakes. The sun appeared and the wind decreased and it was a beautiful morning. I organised a few games for a bit of fun. It was lovely to come together and celebrate Luc, who I know has been nervous about her pregnancy. She is leaving the sex of her baby as a surprise, which I think is so cool. Only a couple of weeks to go before I get to meet my niece or nephew.

* I haven’t been or needed to go the shops in maybe a year so was so surprised to learn they are open to 6 pm. Probably a bit behind the eight ball there. Went on a mission one night last week to tick a few things off my list including a new puffer jacket from Cotton On, valued at $80, and I got it for $25. Love a bargain.

Looking for - 

* dining table and two double bed frames

Sold -

* wii/playstation/xbox games from my mums roadside collection

Started - 

* planning Septembers holiday - Taiwan, Turkey or Tahiti?

Attempting to -

* convince my bf that we should get roman blinds for the house. He suggested verticals but that just doesn’t sit with me. I found some really nice white linen ones so I will report back next month, see how we go.

Was the month of May crazy busy for you or was it just me? Life is jam packed and I feel it is going to be at least up until July before it starts to slow down even a little. Feel free to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

For other months in hindsight click here