How To Get Your Guy/Girl

Do you currently have your eye on someone? Has someone been flirting and showing interest? Or have made a connection with someone and you are thinking of making a move? Or are you in the early stages of dating? And it’s all a bit fresh and uncertain?

I am far from an expert in dating or love. You do have to remember you are talking to someone who has had only been in two serious relationships and never really understood the concept of love. It is still something I struggle with… but maybe I can help…

  • Become unavailable - still make time for your things - your fitness classes, go out with friends, do the things that make you happy. It's difficult because of course you would rather be with that person but not being available every time shows you are independent, know how to live a good life and it will encourage them to get in early if they want to hook up

  • Don't get into future thinking - just be present and you will enjoy the moments together more. Be calm and excited

  • Don't be over giving - stop trying so hard, just be

  • If you are twin flames, be prepared to trigger each other's fears. Must ascend together and be responsible for your own shadow work

  • Listen to your inner voice - takes away suffering and will give you insight

  • Do not attach - you will be okay if this doesn't work out, life will go on, there are many other fish in the sea

  • Be grateful for your time together. Appreciate the first and lasts together.

  • Linger longer - don't be in a rush to leave them but don’t overstay your welcome either

  • Let your past be in the past. Don’t talk about your ex

  • Don't be pushy or try to control the other person - offer advice, be helpful but be aware it comes across as controlling

  • Practice patience. Believe in devine timing. Let the future unfold when it's good and ready

  • Take responsibility for your own feelings - don't blame the other person for the way you are feeling

  • Think positively. Keep your thoughts positive, Even if he hasn't messaged for three days he is probably busy with work, busy with his kids or having a hard time with his thoughts. Wait for him to message. Don’t be over the top or seem too keen. Don't chase them, especially don't send him texts or call everyday until things get much more serious


What are your top tips on how to get your guy or girl? What can you suggest about the early days of dating someone? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.