Mid Year Check In

Can you believe we will be in the month of July within a couple of days? I think the older I get, the faster the days fly by, making it even more important to ensure that each day counts.

So we have made it halfway through the year! That is worth celebrating!

That also means it is time for your mid-year check-in. Time to pull out your goals and reflect on the intentions you set, way back in January.


Questions to ask yourself;

  • Are you on track and on your way to achieving what you envisioned by the end of the year?

  • What is working? How have you had success so far?

  • What needs revision? What do you need to adjust or update?

  • What happened to cause you to loose your groove? How can you pick yourself up again?

  • Who is keeping you accountable?

  • How regularly have you been checking in and revisiting your goals?

  • Do you still want what you dreamed of at the beginning of the year? Or is it time to go in another direction?

It is important now that you set aside some time to go back and revisit those goals you set at the beginning of the year. Enjoy ticking off the things you have achieved, write in other milestones. Then try rewriting your goals out with revisions. Set yourself a clear direction for the next six months. Break it down into six-month chunks if that helps. By mapping it all out, you can finish 2021 off strong.

Iain Thomas once said, “Every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling ‘This is important! And this is important! And this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this!’ And each day, it’s up to you to yank your hand back, put it on your heart and say ‘No. This is what’s important.’”

There is always going to be distractions or something steering you in a different direction, so I urge you to stick to what is important to you, what is it that makes you happy and achieve your goals one step at a time.

For me personally, I check into my goals each month. I have them listed on the desktop of my laptop as well as pasted in the back of my daily planner. I use the Passion Planner which has great goal check-in reminders. I am on track for most of my goals, some of which I have revised, but I try not to get caught up in my fear of not getting there in time. Breaking it down and concentrating on one thing at a time works for me so I do not get stuck in overwhelm and get nothing done.

If you did fall a bit off course or got stuck in the gloom, remember it is not too late to bounce back. The year is not over. Do not give up on your dreams. You have not left it too late. Every day we have a chance to begin again.

How are you going with the goals you set in January? Do you revisit your goals each day, each week, each month or only mid year? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.