Laura The Explaura

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Reflecting On Your Year

Are you one to do a yearly review and check in on what was?

Or maybe you are the conscience type who does the monthly review? Go you! How good it would be to look at all your accomplishments and keep yourself in check, on track and make gains.

So at the end of this year, sit down with your pen and paper, your journal, or even your notes on your device and get started…

Be prepared for it to take time, patience and maybe even feel a little discomfort. I used the doist list which is an awesome reflection tool.

I am sure that 2021 may not have looked the way you planned at the start of the year but hopefully you learnt something along the way.

By reflecting it helps you to set goals for the following year.

So for your 2021 reflection think about;

  • three things you are proud of

  • events you attended or hosted

  • achievements you made; could be in work, finances, side hustle

  • new skills you learned over the course of the year

  • life lessons you applied to your life

  • moments you will remember; doesn’t matter how little or significant they are

  • new habits you have created

Find your downloadable worksheet here to reflect on 2020 or the doist list here.

What are your reflections on your year? Would you be willing to share? We would love for you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

See this gallery in the original post