True Self Profile - Anjum

This month we are interviewing a real delightful lady, Anjum. I have known and been inspired by Anjum for many years and am so proud to feature her this month.

Anjum is a landscape artist with an expressive and playful approach to her art practice through combining mark making, patterning and gestural application of colour. Each artwork evolves as a visceral and therapeutic practice often driven by intuition and music. Anjum lives in the Blue Mountains in the garden village of Leura and draws her creative inspiration from her environment. You will find her deeply fulfilled; working in the creative industry and on her art practice. She has a gorgeous philosophy of life which is to see the beauty in simple things. You can find Anjum on Instagram at @anjum_olmo.

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1. What inspires you in your everyday life?

My gorgeous family especially my two beautiful boys as I truly feel they are my biggest teachers. I learn a lot from them but I also find they allow me to look deeper in myself to be the best parent I can be. I would also have to say the Blue Mountains landscape is my inspiration and it is what ignites me to paint and create and living in my beautiful tree house which my husband built for our little family.

2. Tell us your favourite: stress release practice and the thing you are most grateful for

Oh I love this question, as I have so many goodies up my sleeves;
1) My daily mediation practice, allows me to be grounded and to be in the present moment, if I happen to miss it, I feel the wobble.
2) My creativity is my relaxation practice, when I paint I feel free, I love immersing myself in colour and following my intuition.

3. What has been a life-defining moment for you?

I have to say it was living in a remote Aboriginal community in Far North Queensland for a work secondment. It was on this outback adventure that I became drawn to indigenous plant and bird life and this has fueled my curiosity ever since. Upon returning to work I decided to study art and follow my creative dreams. If it wasn't for this experience I wouldn't have re-trained and changed careers, it opened my eyes to so many possibilities and to follow my dreams.

4. What is the most important thing you have learnt about yourself in your life’s journey?

That emotions/feelings are everything and they are your guide to where you are at internally. The moment I feel the wobble I know I am not in alignment, instead of looking for the answers externally, I look within me and it is through stillness I find my equilibrium.

5. Who are you currently learning the most from?

  • Eckhart Tolle - Being in the present moment

  • Louise Hay- understanding emotions

  • Kundalini Yoga- core strength breathe work, pushing you to the limits to see what you are capable of

  • My beautiful mum for her spiritual guidance and wisdom

  • My husband for his resilience in situations, his generosity and for his positive outlook in life

  • My kids for showing me what unconditional love truly is

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6. What is your best life tip for others?

I believe everyone is creative we all have an opportunity to do something creative every day. I would encourage you to tap into this to reach your full potential, there is a lot of inspiration in this space, one that resonates with me is Maslow's hierarchy and aiming for the top of the pyramid which is called is Self-actualisation which is achieving one's full potential and this is often done through a creative act. Perhaps you may like to explore your creativity through cooking, how you present yourself and of course through creating art.

7. How do you deal with negative energy?

Connect back to nature, seeing the beauty in simple things and taking deep breaths.

8. What's one thing you like to do every day that cultivates peace and happiness?

Gratitude daily- starting general and then getting specific about all the wonderful goodies in my life and for all the beautiful things coming.

9. How can we make a difference in the world?

Practising mindfulness daily listening, being tolerant, having compassion and living with an open heart.

10. Outline a perfect morning routine for us

  • Meditation- 15-20 mins

  • Yoga/Kundalini

  • Breakfast- having a nourishing green smoothie

  • Kids are ready for school on time! yay!

  • Gratitude prayer when I get in the car

  • Listen to an inspiring podcast on the way to work

Thanks, Anjum for sharing. Your answers have given us lots to think about and be inspired by.

To view past true self profiles click here.

Each month an inspiring human being will share with us their personal story and tips on how to live your best life. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please drop us a note below…