True Self Profile - Annaleid from 'Actually Anna'

This month we are featuring the inspiring Annaleid from ‘Actually Anna’ blog.

My name is Annaleid and I'm a 'Dutchie' currently living in Amsterdam. My biggest passion is creating content on my blog Actually Anna, my Youtube channel and my Instagram @actuallyannaxo. I do have other socials, but I'm not as active on those platforms as I am on these three. The niche I make content for is Beauty and Fashion. With this content, I try to share my thoughts about sustainability and why I sometimes choose for a more sustainable option and sometimes not. By sharing these thoughts and the decision-making process I hope to create awareness on how you can be more sustainable in your own way. I mentioned that I'm not as active on my other socials, because I also have a 32 hour 'normal' job. Four days a week I work as a data scientist making predictive models, chatbots and looking at lots of data. The latter brought me to the idea to create the ANNAlytics Academy. Attached to the academy there is a Facebook Group, where I try to create a community where we can all learn something about Instagram growth and getting familiar with the data - analytics - from our platforms. I really enjoy helping others, which is why I wanted to create this to share my professional knowledge about data as well as everything I've learned so far regarding blogging, YouTube and social media. 


1. What inspires you in your everyday life?

As I already mentioned in the intro I really love helping other people. This is deeply rooted in me since I have a bachelor in Physical Education as a PE teacher. After that, I chose to go in a different direction as a Data Scientist. Teaching and inspiring others is always something I've enjoyed doing. Inspiring and helping others through makeup hacks and fashion tips is where it all started. It really gives me energy knowing that hopefully someone will read the post or watch the video and find it helpful. It's one of the reasons I wanted to start the academy, so I can help others even more. Besides teaching and inspiring, the whole creative process of creating an Instagram post, blog post or YouTube video also gives me energy. Being able to frame the idea that you have in a picture or video. And after that getting creative with the editing part or writing the blog post. 

2. Tell us your favourite: stress release practice, the thing you are most grateful for, book

Favourite stress release practice: Through the process of having an almost full-time job and my own company Actually Anna + the ANNAlytics Academy I learned it's very important to also spend time doing nothing. I think I can still improve in doing nothing, but I'm deliberately trying to plan those moments in my diary. Another activity that is helping me destress is rock climbing. I practice rock climbing both in- and outdoors, where outdoors is more stress releasing. Rock climbing outdoors also includes camping, which makes me very relaxed.  

3. What has been a life-defining moment for you?

First of all my elite gymnastics career - I did gymnastics from the age of 4 till 13 - thought my motivation, determination and my work ethic. Besides that, I recently had a severe asthma attack, which I had to stay 2 nights in the hospital. During the recovery period afterwards, I realised I needed to change things around and spend even more time 'doing nothing'. Plan more self-care and destress moments compared to before the attack. 

4. What is the most important thing you have learnt about yourself in your life’s journey?

I've learned that I'm very good at putting everything aside to accomplish a goal. I think my elite gymnastics career might have something to do with that ;) I've learned that I need to also pace myself and spend time evaluating the process. This helps me to maybe adjust the plans a bit or regain some energy.  

5. Who are you currently learning the most from?

My boyfriend is very good at putting things into perspective. When we started living together he would often say Anna isn't it time to read a book or do something else than blogging/making YouTube videos/etc. I learned a lot from him and I think I'll keep learning more and more. 

6. What is your best life tip for others?

Believe in yourself that you can accomplish the goals you set for yourself. Hard work, determination and consistency are the ingredients, but believing in yourself is the key. And don't be afraid to modify goals or switch direction. Evaluation is also part of the process and certainly doesn't mean that you failed. 

7. How do you deal with negative energy?

I honestly just try to not be near negative energy. If there are people in my life that are giving me a lot of negative energy they are not the right people to keep around. Which maybe sounds harsh, but from experience, I've learned that the people who gave me negative energy were not my true friends. I'm very sensitive to negative energy, so keeping myself positive and keep positive people around me is key.  

8. What's one thing you like to do every day that cultivates peace and happiness?

Spend time doing something I'm passionate about :) 

9. How can we make a difference in the world?

By believing that showing respect and trying to help others makes the world a better place.

10. Outline a perfect morning routine for us

Alright, here we go. My alarm goes off at 7 am and I get to snooze until 7:30. I'll drink my coffee and eat a little snack, before going to the gym for a workout. When I get back home I'll take a shower, pick my outfit and do my hair + makeup. Then most importantly I make my breakfast and sit down at our dining table to have breakfast with my boyfriend before work starts.

Thanks Anna for your profile. How special that you get to share breakfast with your boyfriend most mornings.

To view past true self profiles click here.

Each month an inspiring human being will share with us their personal story and tips on how to live your best life. If you would like to be featured in the upcoming months then please drop us a note below…