Classroom Activities For Fruit And Veg Month

Fruit & Veg Month celebrated during the month of October, is a health promotion event that aims to encourage increased fruit and vegetable consumption amongst NSW primary school children through engaging classroom, whole school and family-based activities. The event is funded by NSW Health.

Over the month, teachers should attempt to incorporate healthy eating activities in the classroom. You may like to;

  • Gift a certificate to those who participate and eat at least five pieces of fruit during the week for four weeks

  • Keep a class tally as to how many pieces of fruit or vegetables are eaten each day. Compare at the end of each week amongst the school to see which class consumed the most fruit and vegetables

  • Use paint to experiment creating prints using cut fruit and vegetables e.g. apples, potatoes

  • Students create a class ‘My Favourite Fruit Graph’

  • Discuss healthy food choices and ‘sometimes’ foods

  • Play a Healthy Foods Kahoot! as a class

  • Invite the Fruit & Veggie gang along to your school

  • Read picture books such as The Hungry Caterpillar, Which Food Will You Choose?, Creepy Carrots

  • Organise a salad wrap day. Students are each allocated a food item to bring in on a certain day, food is set up and shared for them to make their own wrap. Fruit salad for recess can be organised too.

  • Complete a trivia using real unusual fruits or otherwise photos e.g custard apple, nashi pear, lychee, persimmon

  • Students use pictures of fruit and vegetables to create a Vegie man portrait

fruit and veg man

Links to other online resources include;

Teaching our students about healthy food choices ties directly into our PDHPE curriculum. Fruit & Veg month is a great time to highlight the benefits of healthy eating and to implement healthier habits into our daily lives.

Does your school participate in Fruit & Veg month? What fun activities do you get up to? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.