Songs To Motivate Kids To Clean Up

Packing up time can go one of two ways. You can have keen bunnies with everyone chipping in to help out or you can have ones skimping out who will just stand and talk, making excuses not to help.

I love to make it a fun time which includes everyone participating by using a fun pack up song. This also sets a time limit for the students, putting a bit of pressure on to get the job done quickly yet safely and responsibly.

My favourite one to use is The Tidy Up Song by Pevan and Sarah, which is the first one below. If you use it regularly, the children become familiar with it.

I usually play the music but do not necessarily have it up on the screen as this can be distracting. I encourage my students to sing along though and enjoy this time.

Why not try using one of the examples below in your classroom or even at home;

Motivate your students with a pack up song to get the room spic and span either after an activity or at the end of the day.

How do you get everyone involved in taking responsibility for cleaning up in your classroom? Do you use a pack up or tidy up song with your students? What’s your favourite? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.