Professional Learning Online

School is done and out for the year. Five weeks off work, or so you would like to think, but you know there is always plenty to fill your time, especially as a teacher.

If you are looking for ways to get your accreditation hours up for your professional learning during the break, there are many sites now offering online learning. You can find several below:

  • Teaching Channel - so many videos to watch. There is a small fee each month. So many great practices to watch

  • Student Wellbeing Hub - professional development for teachers

  • Google For Education - has a Teacher Centre which provides free online training to help educators

  • - offers online professional development courses

  • ClassCover - offers accredited PD for casual teachers

  • Learning Links - offers a range of webinars and online workshops for teachers related to learning disorders, autism, anxiety, speech and language difficulties, comprehension, writing, building resilience and classroom strategies for behaviour

  • Difference Differently - has NESA registered professional learning courses for teachers

  • Sustainable Schools - has links to a variety of sites that offer professional learning courses for each state in Australia.

  • Corporate eLearning - the Department of NSW has online courses, eBooks and audio learning. Good one to subscribe to and check out often

online learning

Can you recommend any great Professional Learning you have done online? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.