Special Events To Celebrate At School

There are many opportunities throughout the year to get involved in initiatives to raise awareness on issues of all sorts. You can find them below;

Environmental Focus

  • Schools Clean Up Day on the 5 March

  • Earth Hour for schools on the 26 March

  • World Environment Day on the 4 June

  • World Oceans Day on the 8 June

  • National Tree Day on the 30 July ran by Planet Ark

  • Keep Australia Beautiful Week on the 16 - 22 August

Aboriginal Focus Events

  • National Sorry Day on the 26 May

  • Reconciliation Week on 27 May - 3 June

  • NAIDOC Week will be celebrated in schools on the 21 - 25 June this year

  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day on the 4 August

  • International Day of the Worlds Indigenous People on the 9 August

Special Events

  • Harmony Day on the 21 March

  • National Simultaneous Storytime on the 19 May

  • B Kinder Day on the 22 June

  • National Pyjama Day on the 23 July

  • International Friendship Day on the 30 July

  • Jeans For Genes Day on the 6 August

  • National Science Week on the 14 - 22 August

  • CBCA Book Week on the 22 - 27 August

  • Daffodil Day on the 27 August

  • Wear It Yellow on the 27 August

  • Jersey Day on the 3 September - provides awareness of The Organ & Tissue Authority and the Donate Life network

  • R U OK? Day on the 10 September

  • World Teachers Day on the 5 October

  • National Nutrition Week on the 11 - 17 October

Special Events That Run Throughout The Year

  • MS Read-a-thon

  • Premiers Reading Challenge

  • Premiers Sporting Challenge

Our school days are busy enough at the best of times but throwing in a special event every now and then mixes things up for the students. It keeps them engaged. It is usually worth all the organisation and fuss.

If you are interested in sharing with your students each day there is a great website Days Of The Year which offers information about significant events that are celebrated each day of the year. Make sure to check it out.

What special events does your school celebrate? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.