Keeping Students Connected With Zoom

Remote learning from home during these lockdown periods have our students missing their friends, their classmates and their teacher.

One fantastic way that we can bring everyone together is through a scheduled Zoom session, where the children have the opportunity to see each other, share and ask any questions about their learning.

Make sure to set the expectations in your first Zoom session;

  • join the Zoom lesson on time

  • turn on your camera

  • be kind and polite when you speak or type in the chat

  • sit still

  • find a quiet place in your home to sit

  • stay on mute unless your asked to share. If you want to speak, raise your hand and wait for the teacher

  • actively participate


How to make your Zoom sessions fun with your class;

  • Kahoot Quiz. Make sure to flick the switch in settings that says ‘show question and answers on players devices’. It makes it much easier to play. I have set up some Kahoots to play which you can find here

  • Search YouTube for games such as ‘Can you guess the Disney movie by the emoji?’ for abit of fun or The Quiz Monster channel

  • Go Noodle has opened up all their premium content for free. There are some great activities to do together on the Game On! channel

  • Set up a room for your class to play Categories on the Really Boring Website or Scattegroies on Swellgarfo

  • Teaching point time - use the whiteboard to explain a concept that has been difficult for the students

  • Share your screen - show off some of the student’s great work or pick up on some misunderstanding

  • Use break out rooms to give students a short time to share in a small group

  • Have students dress up to a theme - pajama party, wear yellow…

  • Show and tell - bring something along - their favorite book, their favourite toy, something they have made this week

You can find tips and tricks for using Zoom on the US Zoom website. Also check out my Zoom Pinterest board for a tonne more ideas.

Do you use Zoom with your students? How do you make it fun? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below