Crazy Questions People Ask About Australia

I am Australian. I love living in Australia and travelling there, but I also love escaping and going overseas.

While travelling, I enjoy exploring the city I am in, and I often get fully immersed in the place, completely forgetting my life in Australia. I am not someone who misses family or friends while away. I usually have too much fun to give much thought to at home. I don’t have time to get homesick and usually thoroughly enjoy being away.

When I am travelling, there is always the time when you get stopped by people who are excited to meet someone from Australia and have so many questions to ask, reminding you of everything you are trying to forget. Some are just silly questions, and others make me feel like I need to revise my general knowledge of Australia before I leave the country.

Some of the questions I have been asked include;

  • What is the population of Australia?

  • How high above sea level are you?

  • What’s your opinion on the Prime Minister?

  • Do you have kangaroos and koalas in your backyard?

  • How big are the spiders?

  • Do you all surf?

  • What is the tall poppy syndrome like?


Has this happened to you too? Do you get bombarded by people fascinated by Australia?

What sort of questions do you get asked about your home country while travelling away? We would love it if you joined the conversation and left a comment below.